Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Taipei Here I Come!

At neighbourhood-doglover-friend D's house. Came to borrow his PSP and universal adaptor. And play with Bubbles the dog and Joy, the other dog. They were having fun playing, growling, licking, pawing each other.
Tomorrow morning I will be off to Changi airport and woohoo, Taipei!!!! The long-awaited holiday!
Well, guess I will not be able to blog for a whole week. How? What if I get blog-withdrawal symptoms? What if I feel uneasy and need to get things off my chest? I guess there is always internet cafes and, L will sure have a laptop right? Don't forget, I used to work in that company, and I know what they are entitled to. Hehehe...
Mr. A called while I was having dinner with D. He thought I was already in Taipei -_-'''
Ok, enough for tonight. See you guys in one week's time!

1 comment:

TuT said...

stop asking questions, and start having great fun in taipeh!