I sent some people my D&D photos as promised, and got different comments. Some are nice to put it in a subtle way, but some are brutally honest *glares at Tut* Ok ok. I know I am fat. I never said I was slim, what…
What to do, I am born like that. Everyone says I take after my mum the most, especially the body shape. So how? It’s in my genes, ok.
I have been good this week. Been eating light. But then, when I am in Taipei, I guess I will let loose again. How to resist food in a food paradise??

阿给(Glass noodles wrapped in toupok)

Cheap and yummy sashimi!


(Photos from http://kissesfrombeigirl.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_kissesfrombeigirl_archive.html)
Elfie had some sort of infection on his wound yesterday. I had noticed the wound had turned slightly red before, but it did not swell the way it did yesterday. I panicked. Should I bring him to the vet? But the vet he goes to is not opened on Thursdays. How? What should I do? I tried my luck and called the vet’s number. Lucky for me (and Elfie), they gave an emergency number in the voicemail. I quickly called and left a message.
The vet herself called back. I explained to her the situation, and she said that it is quite common for dogs to have this kind of reaction when the dissolvable thread dissolves, which is about time now. She asked me to monitor Elfie, and if the swell and redness does not go away, I have to bring him to her in the next 2 days.
So monitor I did. Elfie did not seemed to be bothered by the swell. He was still jumping and eating like any normal day. But about one hour later, I thought I saw the wound split opened. That was it. I quickly asked my bro to send us to the 24-hour animal clinic I used to bring my previous dog.
Before we left the house, bro asked me, ‘You know the way right?’
I told him ‘Erm, its where we used to bring Chimpsie lor.’
My bro looked at me and said ‘I also know.’
Aiyoh, you are asking a 路痴 for directions leh. What kind of answer do you expect? Hehehe.
He looked in the street directory after we got into the car. After 2 minutes, he started the car. I thought he found the way to go. It was then 10.15pm.
He turned out from the carpark, turned into CTE, and drove all the way to Bradell, Then Upper Thomson, then onto PIE towards Tuas, then I lost track of where we were, until I saw Jalan Kechil (something like that). I knew then that we are lost. My bro turned out from the highway, U-turned back, and got into the other direction of the highway, and everything started again. We drove round and round in circles, and almost toured the whole of the city, before we found the way, but we were on the other side of the direction.
You see, the thing with this animal clinic is, there is only one way to get into the road leading to the entrance of the clinic, and that is to exit from a highway. So we were driving round and round to find that exit. We saw the clinic on the other side of the highway. And saw it zoom pass us. Finally, I suggested another way, and voila, we were there! I am not such a 路痴 afterall yeah? Hehehe. By the time we reached the clinic, it was almost 11.00pm.
Lucky for us, there was no other patients there when we reached the clinic. So bro waited for us outside while the vet examined Elfie.
True enough, Elfie has infection (erm, I also can tell), and due to his excessive licking of his wound, it has worsened. The vet gave me some antibiotics, and cleaning lotion, and told us not to let Elfie lick it so much. He suggested letting Elfie wear the e-collar.
So, Elfie now looks like that.
He simply refused to move when he was wearing the collar. Just lie flat or sit wherever I left him. Which is good, because he did not move , or attempt to bite me (which he usually will if I try to clean him there) when I cleaned the wound.
Its not always that I get such ‘good’ behavior with Elfie, you know.
sorry .. hihihi
confidence level down to zero already...
i think you look fine...really. Tut is always brutally honest but thats his virtue :P
do i know this anonymous guy?
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