Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Counting Down...

I read somewhere in the papers yesterday that SOMEONE predicted that the blogging rate will drop tremendously this year. Whilst 75,000 new blogs are being created, 200,000 current blogs are not updated. (Please note that the numbers may note be accurate, all these are random memories of moi.)
Not true in my case. I have Obsessive-Desire-To-Blog disease. All my friends can vouch for me. Even when I am sick, I blog. Even when I cant update my blog at home, I save my post in my thumb drive and bring it to my friend's house to blog. Or I will bring it to office to post it up. If I dont blog for one day, I feel uncomfortable. Bubbles was surprised when she saw me blog at Director's house. She must be thinking 'This gal is seriously sick'.
Oh, something I want to clarify. I dont go around advertising my own blog, or go round shouting 'I have a blog. Come read it!'. I only give the address to those who are genuinely interested in reading it. I mean, ok, I dont know who is genuine or who not. If you want to read, go ahead, I am not stopping you. But if you dont feel like it, then dont. I am not forcing you to either. I wont call you or MSN you everyday to pester you to go and read ok. So dont give me that you-think-you-are-so-popular look, or feel obliged to read it when I am around just because I know that you know I have a blog.
In short, what I am trying to say is that - read it if you want, and dont if you dont feel like it. Simple enough?
I spent my last day of the holiday mostly at home. I just went to Expo to the book fair. Had wanted to go the day before but was too lazy. Me wanted to go check if there are any good books to grab. havent been able to find any during the last few book fairs I went to. Luckily this time round I didnt waste my trip down. I bought 6 books at $38. Cheap right. Usually a novel would costs about $16+ already, so with that amount I can at most get 2 books. Good deal right? So worth it right? Kekekeke. I am a happy gal!
Metro warehouse sale was right next to the book fair, and it wasnt as crowded as I thought it would be, so I went in to take a look. My buys - 2 bra(s?), 3 bags, undies for mum. All for less than $110. Cheap cheap. :-)) I wanted to get Doc Marten's boots, but the biggest size they had for the ladies bootrs were - 4... -_-'' I cant squeeze into them lor. Might as well. Save my money for my coming Taipei trip!
Taipei trip at the end of the month. Looking forward to it. Lyn said it will be cold. Very cold. And the only place with a heater is - in her bedroom. So we will all squeeze into her room every night! Hahaha. Nice weather for hot spring. I didnt go the last time I visited Taipei. This time, with more company, I will definitely do all the things I missed out the last time.
28 more days...

1 comment:

TuT said...

so far so good :)