Thursday, January 18, 2007

On Thick-skinned People

A friend of mine ( Let’s call her ABC because I promised not to name her ;p) complained to me a few days back that a common friend of ours, XYZ, and XYZ’s aunt asked ABC to buy some stuff for them in ABC’s company, using ABC’s staff discount.

ABC did not mind doing this for them. In fact, sometimes I ask her to do it too ;p. But the thing is, XYZ asked ABC over MSN, and a few moments later after ABC submitted her orders for XYZ, XYZ’s aunt called ABC to help her buy also. What ABC is frustrated about is: Why can’t XYZ and her aunt consolidate their orders and tell ABC? Why must they do it separately, and make ABC submit orders TWO times? I am sure they know that the other one is going to place order, right? Not that ABC is damn free like me, got nothing to do but blog hehehe. And apparently, that was not the first time this was happening.

I can understand ABC’s frustrations. For me, of course if it is someone you are close to, I would not mind doing such things for them, or asking their help. But I definitely would not tell my whole family that I have such a friend and they are all free to call her at this number to ask her to help with staff purchase. Please lor, like I said, people need to work one leh.

My ex colleagues also often email me whenever there is staff sale going on, and I will also forward the list to my friends and family. But the difference is: I consolidate the orders and give it as 1 order, not ask them to mail their orders to my ex colleague separately. I think that would make her job easier also right?

ABC called me today again. She msned me to ask if I was at my desk, and said ‘I wanna complain about XYZ!’

What happened was: XYZ’s aunt called ABC to ask if the order was ready. ABC checked, and realized that some items were out of stock and discontinued, so she called XYZ’s aunt back to tell her. Who knows, XYZ’s aunt began asking her questions she could not answer, like:

‘Out of stock ar, then how?’

‘Discontinued? How come like that? Then customers no need to use ar?’

‘New item is the same name? Why is it the same name?’

‘What is my skin type? I don’t know leh.’


Please lor, people already nice enough to help to take order, fill in the form, collect the goods, and save you money some more, you still want to complain this, complain that. My friend is not there to hear you complain, or grumble, or anything for that matter. She can jolly well refuse to do the staff purchase for you, you know?

What’s more, XYZ only msn ABC when she needs to replenish her stocks. Not once did she msn just to say hi or anything. Come to think of it, she only msn me, whenever she needs some discount card from me. Hmph…

All I can say is, some people are just so thick-skinned, and buay zi dong. Oh yes, and ungrateful!

Oh and yes, I told ABC to block XYZ from her msn hehehe. Maybe I should do the same…

Should I?


TuT said...

aiks, you just blew the cover yourself! so, now i can guess ABC is working either in a cosmetics company or beauty/personal care company. so, i guess your circle of friends would know who ... hihihi

TuT said...

if i don't read your blogsite for 1 day, i have a lot to catch up! :P

you are indeed a serious blog writer! i respect you lah!

Rose said...

yeah.. but then... not many pple will know who i m talking abt hehhe