Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Handicapped Toilet

Warning: This post may cause you some discomfort. Do not read further if you are eating or drinking. Read at your own risk!

There is a toilet for the handicapped in my ex and current office. Because these 2 companies happen to occupy a few levels in the building, the toilets are generally used by people that we know.

In my ex company, the toilet for the handicapped is used by both male and female. I have particularly seen male colleagues preferring to use the handicapped toilet. If there was someone using it, they would wait patiently outside, instead of going to the gents, which is just less than 5 steps away. Why they prefer the handicapped toilet, I do not know. Maybe it gives more privacy? But, what are they afraid to show? I mean, haven’t they been doing the same thing since young, peeing in the urinator (is it called that?) in the same toilet with all the other guys? Or are they really so ashamed of their penis that they are not willing to display it while doing the thing people do everyday - pee? Beats me.

In my current company, the handicapped is exclusively for female usage, it seems. Reason being – it is next to the female toilet. The gents is located at the other corner, so it would seem weird if a guy walks towards the direction of the female toilet, right? That is my own assumption lah.

For me, I use whichever is available. If all the cubicles in the common toilet are occupied, I would see if the handicapped toilet is available. There is only one reason I would insist on the handicapped toilet – to clear away the more toxic toxins in my body haha. Ahem ahem…

Why I prefer to do it in the handicapped toilet is because:

1. I can make as much noise and no one will know its me. Imagine you are using the common toilet, when you are done farting and bombing and come out from the cubicle, those in the toilet then will know who was the one bombing away.
2. I don’t have to worry about the smell disturbing other users.
3. I can take my own sweet time. I don’t have to worry about a long queue outside waiting for you to come out, and as long as there are no self-conscious-inferior male waiting outside.

Of course, I ensure that everything unsightly is flushed away before I leave the handicapped toilet. The smell, there is nothing I can do about it, sorry.

However, not everyone is as considerate as I am (a-hem). I have seen unsightly stuff in the toilets, handicapped and common one. Sorry to say, I have to admit that female users are just so much more inconsiderate than male users. I mean, sorry that you have to be born a woman, and have more mess than men. But cant you just clean up the mess you made before you leave?

I have seen:

* Bloody sanitary pads lying on the ledge at the back of the toilet.
* Sanitary pad wrappers on the floor, on the cover of the dustbin, but not In the dustbin.
* Faeces/urine not flushed away. This can be done by both male and female, of course.
* Hand towels lying on the floor, in the basin.
* The floor wet with don’t know urine or water.
* The seat cover filled with droplets of water. Yes even in the female toilet. How they managed to pee until like that, I don’t know.

So much for trying so hard to be a gracious nation, I am sorry to say that Singaporeans, in general, are still very selfish, especially when it comes to public property.

OK, I take that back. Because my ex company is an MNC, with 80% of my colleagues being expats from all over the world.

I should say: there is still plenty of room for improvement. Garmen/everyone, please do something about it before we all turn into selfish-inconsiderate freaks.

Thank you!

P/s: I have heard that some couples use the handicapped toilet for kinky business when they suddenly feel like doing it, and are nowhere near home or a motel. Is that true?


Anonymous said...

usually the handicapped are more spacious...ideal for those with big arses..dunno about sg but in KL, you get echo with each bomb you drop...belommmmMMmMmMMmMmMMm...sound real cool.

Rose said...

Anonymous - u really toilet expert hahahah

TuT said...

i agree with anonymous .. they are generally bigger and also comes with the side steel handle (good for heavy hiroshima bombing until the legs go numb, and you need a handle to stand up) :P