Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Taipei Here I Come!
Alternative: Buy in Taipei.
Good idea? Hehehe.
YL and I are all prepared to eat and shop, eat and shop. Spend money spend money.
When is my money gonna come in again?
And I have not done any CNY shopping. For clothes, for goodies, for gifts, for anything.
When is my money gonna come in?
I need to go for a haircut, manicure before CNY, go waxing.
When is my money gonna come in?
I need to bao angpow for my mum, change money for her to bao angpow.
When is my money gonna come in?
I need to send Elfie for his grooming, make sure he has enough food for CNY, taxi fare to send him to and fro when I bring him to parties.
When is my money gonna come in?
I am damn broke man!
Monday, January 29, 2007
8 Ways
8 ways to reduce your frustrations, and not taking it out on others:
1. Drink lots of water.
2. Drink liang teh everyday. Cooling effect…
3. Bite your lips tight tight.
4. Clench your fists tight tight.
5. Cover your head with a pillow and scream into it.
6. Take a picture of whoever made you angry and use it as a dart board. Make sure no one is looking, and be sure to destroy all evidences if that someone is your superior.
7. Bang your head against the wall when no one is looking. Remember, bang the back of your head, so that people cannot see the bruise, and the bump is not so obvious.
8. Thump your chest like King Kong. It not only let you vent your anger, it may give you bigger breasts too… (Or flatter ones, for that matter)
Hope the above helps! ;p
A Good End To The Work Week
What do you get when you mix half-cooked chicken wings, beer, red wine and Guinness stout together? Lots of puke at the end of the day.
Remember the thank-ah-yee BBQ that EH is throwing? That was on Friday. I did not want to go emptyhanded so I stopped by the petrol kiosk to pick up Ben & Jerry ice cream to brig to the BBQ.
Remember also that I suspected that it was gonna be a matchmaking session in the name of thank-ah-yee? Well, they still did not mention anything, but I think I guessed correct the motive, but the wrong guy ahaha! The cousins of the groom were not there. Instead a friend of his turned up.
The gals kept whispering behind my back and when I turned, they pretended to act normal. At times, I found that I was left alone with that guy (sorry, I really can’t remember his name). He is ok… I guess…
EH’s hubby passed me my first can of beer, and it kept coming after that. The rest of the gals did not drink, so it was only me and the guys. Beer after beer I downed, until we ran out of it. Red wine followed. Then when EH’s mother-in-law came home, we invited her to drink with us. She claimed that she only drinks Guinness, so out of politeness, I said its ok, we could drink with her. Little did I expect her to take me seriously, and took out 2 cans of Guinness stout, one for herself, one for me.
By this time, I was already half blur. I decided to stop, sought refuge in the kitchen, and got myself some cold water. I guess I was missing for some time, EH came to look for me and asked if I was ok. I could still talk normal and walk straight, so I guess if I did not tell her, they would never know that I am half drunk.
EH got her hubby to send me home. I was still talking and laughing with them, I remember. But when I got home, I only remembered washing my face, then running to the toilet bowl and puking my guts out. I can’t remember where I changed my clothes or how I got onto bed.
Hope I did not change in front of my bro…
Saturday was the usual lazy Saturday. I brought Elfie for his annual jab early in the morning. Go early, come back early has always been my motto for such things ;p.
I met up with YL, supposedly to discuss about our Taipei trip. But then, we ended up pigging out at Novena Square -_-'''. We had Burger King, then headed to Hagan Daaz for ice-cream. Boy, am I glad that I am no longer working in Novena Square! Otherwise, I can be chopped, guaranteed, confirmed that I will continue growing sideways!
I told YL ‘我们不应该在一起,我们不可以在一起!’, otherwise both of us foodlovers will just keep on eating and eating non-stop. Then probably we will just die of over-eating ahahahaha!
But the good thing is, going to Taipei with someone who loves to eat and does not mind eating is better than going with someone who is always conscious of diet, and will keep stopping you from eating. What is the joy of going to a food paradise, when you can only look, and not eat the yummy food? That, is a torture ok!!!
After that, I went to do my nails. Yes I know I just did it, but then a lot of it has already chipped, and in my opinion is unsightly. And since I have grown my nails so damn long, I should make full use of them before they start breaking off, and make them look nice nice all the time, right?
Roses on my fingers!
Bigger but blur pic.
Sunday was an early birthday celebration for Dajie. Gangster suggested going to the Cod Fish village place for Cod Fishhead Curry. Of course, it did not end there…
We left Gangster to do the ordering of food, which was a mistake. She ordered and ordered, and well, I can’t put the blame totally on her, because the rest also kept going on and on. For 6 of us, we ordered, I think a total of 6 – 7 dishes. Although we ordered the smallest serving, it still came to be quite a lot. And we almost finished everything. So can you imagine how much we ate? And that is not all, Gangster suddenly said ‘Lets go for durian!’ Being an avid durain lover, of course I agreed immediately. And off to Geylang we went, for our durian session.
Gangster very funny. She told Uncle Durian ‘Uncle, 我要好吃的,不要骗我hor’. How come everyone will say that leh? If Uncle wanna 骗, he will come out with all sorts of excuses one lah. Even if not nice, he will insist that it is nice haha. But then, I must say the service at the durian place last night was quite good. There was ¼ of a durian that was not ripe, and they gave us another one to replace that ¼, so technically speaking, we had ¾ durian free kekeke. And one of the uncles saw that we could not finish, he offered to pack it into a box for us.
Overall, it was a good dinner, good dessert, and good catchup with my beloved sisters.
The next gathering – 2nd day of Chinese New Year at Director’s house. Gambling, more pigging out, more bitching, more laughing. Looking forward to it!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Anything Happy?
But hor, right now, I can’t think of anything happy to blog about….
Lemme think… *thinks hard*
Oh yeah, my mum is back today! I can have a little more freedom, as in I can go out with friends more, have more flexible timing… not that it makes a lot of difference, but having one more person at home always makes me happier. :-)
And I am only 5 days away from Taipei! YL and I talk about it everyday, discussing where else we can go, where we can give a miss, what we must definitely try, how much money to change, how much extra to bring…
Oh, and I finally changed my money yesterday! So happy that I found a moneychanger whose rate is higher than the one I wanted to go to - 21.13. Not bad right? Kekeke…
I was walking around after changing money. It was still early to go back to office. The I saw D, my neighbourhood doglover friend. He works in the vicinity. I wanted to go say hi, but he was so engrossed in his work that he did not even notice me walk to and fro in front of him. Bah… But then, 认真的男人最有魅力… Kekekeke… I waited a while for him to finish what he was doing. But people just kept walking up to him, so I gave up. I walked back to my office, and along the way, see if I could catch Bubbles, who was doing her manicure. And I saw her happily swinging round in her manicure chair, talking on the phone. I went in to fetch her back to office, because she forgot her pass. She proudly showed me her nails. Nice! *
But then I have phobia of crystals and diamantes, since the last time I did it. The poor manicurist spent like half an hour cleaning them off for me! So, unless I am getting married, or unless there is some important event that I have to doll up, I guess I won’t do it again.
Hmm… I really can’t think of anything very happy to blog about now. Maybe when I come back from Taipei, you will see a happier me!
* Bubbles very busy, no time to blog so I show her nails for her hehehe
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Do You Think...
…. Environment will affect one’s happiness?
…. Surroundings can determine how you grow up?
…. Marriage is necessary?
These are things I was chatting with a friend about. We both had different viewpoints on all the above.
I felt a strong 'no' to the first question, and ‘yes’ to all the rest.
He said the exact opposite of what I did.
What say you?
Is there something seriously wrong with me??????
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Not Meant To Be
We were chatting away happily, gossiping and bitching about the people we both know. Then she asked me about my Match.com guys. I just shook my head and told her they are all out for ONE thing. Which is, well, only part of what I am looking for kekeke. So easy meh? Say match then match?
I can’t reveal too much, because I suspect that one of them might be reading my blog still. All I can say is: None of them is my cup of tea.
I told Bubbles about my experience with them. She told me that maybe I formed my first impressions too fast, too early. Just like the case of Vince, her friend.
Remember we went to KL sometime in September last year, and met her friends there? Vince is one of them. He is the generous one that paid for almost everything there. I remembered he was driving and the four-letter-word just flowed out from his mouth very naturally every 10 seconds. Both of us thought that he was trying to impress, and very much like a spoilt brat. Bubbles, however remained in contact with him, and found that he is in fact, a very nice, mature, gentlemanly, homely guy. ‘Just the way you like,’ she said.
And I am not sure if I heard wrongly, she said that ‘He was trying to go after you’ or ‘I asked him to go after you’ (Bubbles did I hear wrong????). The night we went Velvet, he actually asked them to go dance so he can have some time to talk to me. But I was cold towards him, so nothing happened. *scratch head*
‘Too bad lah. If not you 钓到金龟婿了,’ she said.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiis it? Aiyah, too bad lor. Maybe it’s just not meant to be. *shrug*
Revenge Must Be Very Sweet
*Panic *
How? How how how?
The I remembered. Eldest sis ‘borrowed’ my warm clothings when she went on a trip to somewhere cold last year. I had very ‘generously’ agreed to lend her when she asked.
Alas, what a big mistake!
Some of you may know. My eldest sis has a habit of ‘borrowing’ clothes, and ‘helping me clear my wardrobe for new clothes’. But my clothes that have the fortune of being selected by her will vanish for… a few years if I am lucky, or forever if I am not.
Because, she stays in KL, and I, in Singapore.
Last time, whenever she came with her family, she will pack clothings for everyone, including the maid, except herself. Because she can help herself to my whole wardrobe. Home clothes, work clothes, casual clothes, and yes, even undergarments. I know, I know. Its damn unhygienic, but what can I do? I can’t stop her. I have to be at work. And I seriously do not mind sharing with her. The thing is, after wearing and washing, the clothes will somehow find their way to the bags and suitcase, and off they go, to KL. Even my undergarments.
Of course I jump. Because my sis, like me, have very good taste. Despite the fact that she is ‘helping me clear my wardrobe for new clothes’, the clothes that miraculously ‘disappear’ are mostly my newer clothes, that I like very much.
After my numerous nagging and screaming, she did finally realize that my wardrobe is not a Doraemon pocket, that will refill itself automatically whenever it is empty. She packs her clothes, and when she wears, I make sure the clothes go back in my wardrobe.
But then my warm clothings, unfortunately, never found their way back. Though I made her promise to send them back the next time she visits, I never saw them again since then. I nearly forgot that they were with her, until last night.
Ok, I admit. I did my fair share of clothes-borrowing when I was younger, and when she was the more ‘fashionable’ one. But then, I always washed and returned them after wearing, and she would still be able to wear them when she wanted to. Like I said, I do not mind sharing with her. But I so hate it when I can’t find them when I want to, or need to wear them.
It must be her revenge on me for borrowing her clothes during teenage days…
I think I will freeze in Taipei…
Early in the morning, someone pissed me off big time.
Remember I mentioned earlier that I DON’T LIKE people touching me? Especially strangers? Now I add one more category – people I don’t like. Ok, I know I am being very bitch and petty, but well, that’s me, ok?
This woman, has irritated me a few times. She is the one who cannot tolerate a small piece of envelop on the tray beside her desk, which was meant for incoming documents for everyone to collect, anyway. She will haunt me with 5 calls in 1 minute, just to call me to collect the envelop.
This morning, when I went to collect some documents, she shouted my name (which she sometimes does, and in the end, she will say ‘Nothing. Cannot call your name is it?’), and asked me to go over to her desk. Reluctantly, I went over. She asked me to show her. I was lost. Show her what? Then she flung her hands. Just flung and flung and shouted ‘Show me show me!’.
So, she asked me to drop everything, and show her my hands. Without waiting for my hands to ‘arrive’ in front of her face, she grabbed them hard (and I mean real hard) and flipped them over to reveal my beautifully manicured nails.
‘Very nice hor.’ She was admiring my nails. ‘How much you do har? Very ex hor?’
I looked at her and refused to answer her questions. And she was still grabbing on to my hands HARD. I could not even move them. Yes I know I have beautiful nails. No need to admire until like that right?
When I could finally free myself, I quickly stepped away from her, grabbed my stuff and walked out of the door back to my level. First thing I did was to drop everything, went to the pantry, and scrubbed my hands with soap.
Yes, I HATE people touching me without my permission. So keep your distance until I give the go ahead. Otherwise, you bear the consequences.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I Realized That...
...I have neglected many things and people in the course of doing some other things that I thought was important. I might have hurt some people around me, who cared for me, not knowing it myself. Or maybe I did know, but did not want to acknowledge it. I decided that I should start to be more mindful of the fact that there are people who love me as I am, and should not do stupid things to hurt them anymore.
...My bank account depletes faster than I blink my eyes. Ok, I take that back. Faster than… I make money. I do not have savings. Zero. Zilch. If something should happen (touch wood!) and I need money urgently, I will die very ugly. I should start my retirement planning. OK, I have insurance, but is that sufficient? I don’t think so. So, I better be good and stop spending every cent I earn every month.
...The crystals and beads on my nicely manicured fingers are dropping one by one (or two by two as a matter of fact when I checked everytime), and that this kind of nail art is only for Tai-tais and superstars, who do not need to do anything on their own. Sadly, I am neither. I need to do chores at home. I need to work on the computer a lot, which means a lot of typing. I need to handfeed my beloved Elfie. And thus, crystals and beads are just a waste of money. I should just stick to simple French, or painted nail art.
Ok, I shall start being good…… After my Taipei trip ;p
Monday, January 22, 2007
Running a little late, I called for a cab (It is near to impossible to get a cab at the taxi stand in the area I work at this hour). I waited for 2 minutes, before the taxi call canter called me to tell me that there is a change in taxi, for some reasons she did not tell me.
After 5 minutes, the cab arrived. I hopped in, and told the taxi driver my destination. He tried to make small talk.
‘The place you live in, very convenient hor. Very easy to get food’
‘The yong tou fu, very nice!’
‘Have you tried before?’
Anyone by this time should know that I am not interested to carry on the conversation. He stopped. I read my newspaper, and then looked out of the window.
Suddenly, I felt someone looking at me, in fact, for some time already. I glanced through the corner of my eye, and saw that the driver was checking me out through the rear mirror!
He saw me look at him and he smiled.
‘You look like Japanese girl hor. Cute! Hurhurhur.’
I glared at him.
‘Anyone tell you that before or not?’
I refused to answer him.
Please lor. Yes, when I was younger, alot of people said that I looked Japanese/Korean. But then, I just didn’t like the way he looked at me, and the way he said it, even if he meant it as a compliment.
So, do I look Japanese, still? ;p
Nightmare Wedding Gowns
More Traffic Lights Please!
The café that sells this salad is right across the road from my office building. The problem is – there is no pedestrian crossing direct from the building to across the road. The only pedestrian crossing is right at the both ends of the street. Below is a simple (very simple) drawing I did.
The traffic light which I only need to cross one time to get acroos, is much further away from me. The nearer one, I have to cross 3 times to get across. Who in the right mind, will cross 3 traffic lights just to get to the other side of the road??
The fastest way is to – jaywalk. Which I usually will. But today, there was some minor accident at the taxi stand below my building. I was about to dash across the road when I saw this traffic police come along to mediate the accident. Being the kiasi Singaporean I am, I proceeded to the nearer traffic light to cross to the other end – so near yet so far. And walked the same way back, because the traffic police was still there.
Why cant they just put one more blardy traffic light for me to cross the road instead of having to cross 3 times???
Simple Pleasures of Life
Playing with Elfie on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Going for my manicure/pedicure.
Sipping on a can of ice cold Coke.

Munching on Granny Smith’s Apple Chips.
Reading a good book.
These are all my simple pleasures of life.
What is yours?
Elfie’s simple pleasure of life – watching TV.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Nothing Happening
I seem to be closing in my world upon myself again. Its me and myself most of the time. But somehow, I am starting to love it.
Being on my own, I can do anything.
I don’t have to bother how others feel.
I don’t have to worry I say the wrong things, and offend people not knowing it.
I can go out anytime, and not worry being late, or do the I-so-hate-it waiting for latecomers.
I can arrange anything, anytime, and not worry about others’ schedule, dangling my own in midair.
It’s not a good sign, I know.
But I am not always like that.
I am still looking forward to my Taipei with YL. I think it will be fun, because she is always so OE hahaha, and that, sometimes makes everything more exciting.
And I was looking forward towards today’s picnic as well, because I always enjoy being out with them. They make up one of the pillars in my life. *Hugs*
Tomorrow is the start of a new week. Hope it’s a good week ahead.
To everyone: Have a good week ahead!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Poor Elfie
I sent some people my D&D photos as promised, and got different comments. Some are nice to put it in a subtle way, but some are brutally honest *glares at Tut* Ok ok. I know I am fat. I never said I was slim, what…
What to do, I am born like that. Everyone says I take after my mum the most, especially the body shape. So how? It’s in my genes, ok.
I have been good this week. Been eating light. But then, when I am in Taipei, I guess I will let loose again. How to resist food in a food paradise??

Cheap and yummy sashimi!


(Photos from http://kissesfrombeigirl.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_kissesfrombeigirl_archive.html)
Elfie had some sort of infection on his wound yesterday. I had noticed the wound had turned slightly red before, but it did not swell the way it did yesterday. I panicked. Should I bring him to the vet? But the vet he goes to is not opened on Thursdays. How? What should I do? I tried my luck and called the vet’s number. Lucky for me (and Elfie), they gave an emergency number in the voicemail. I quickly called and left a message.
The vet herself called back. I explained to her the situation, and she said that it is quite common for dogs to have this kind of reaction when the dissolvable thread dissolves, which is about time now. She asked me to monitor Elfie, and if the swell and redness does not go away, I have to bring him to her in the next 2 days.
So monitor I did. Elfie did not seemed to be bothered by the swell. He was still jumping and eating like any normal day. But about one hour later, I thought I saw the wound split opened. That was it. I quickly asked my bro to send us to the 24-hour animal clinic I used to bring my previous dog.
Before we left the house, bro asked me, ‘You know the way right?’
I told him ‘Erm, its where we used to bring Chimpsie lor.’
My bro looked at me and said ‘I also know.’
Aiyoh, you are asking a 路痴 for directions leh. What kind of answer do you expect? Hehehe.
He looked in the street directory after we got into the car. After 2 minutes, he started the car. I thought he found the way to go. It was then 10.15pm.
He turned out from the carpark, turned into CTE, and drove all the way to Bradell, Then Upper Thomson, then onto PIE towards Tuas, then I lost track of where we were, until I saw Jalan Kechil (something like that). I knew then that we are lost. My bro turned out from the highway, U-turned back, and got into the other direction of the highway, and everything started again. We drove round and round in circles, and almost toured the whole of the city, before we found the way, but we were on the other side of the direction.
You see, the thing with this animal clinic is, there is only one way to get into the road leading to the entrance of the clinic, and that is to exit from a highway. So we were driving round and round to find that exit. We saw the clinic on the other side of the highway. And saw it zoom pass us. Finally, I suggested another way, and voila, we were there! I am not such a 路痴 afterall yeah? Hehehe. By the time we reached the clinic, it was almost 11.00pm.
Lucky for us, there was no other patients there when we reached the clinic. So bro waited for us outside while the vet examined Elfie.
True enough, Elfie has infection (erm, I also can tell), and due to his excessive licking of his wound, it has worsened. The vet gave me some antibiotics, and cleaning lotion, and told us not to let Elfie lick it so much. He suggested letting Elfie wear the e-collar.
So, Elfie now looks like that.
He simply refused to move when he was wearing the collar. Just lie flat or sit wherever I left him. Which is good, because he did not move , or attempt to bite me (which he usually will if I try to clean him there) when I cleaned the wound.
Its not always that I get such ‘good’ behavior with Elfie, you know.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
On Thick-skinned People
ABC did not mind doing this for them. In fact, sometimes I ask her to do it too ;p. But the thing is, XYZ asked ABC over MSN, and a few moments later after ABC submitted her orders for XYZ, XYZ’s aunt called ABC to help her buy also. What ABC is frustrated about is: Why can’t XYZ and her aunt consolidate their orders and tell ABC? Why must they do it separately, and make ABC submit orders TWO times? I am sure they know that the other one is going to place order, right? Not that ABC is damn free like me, got nothing to do but blog hehehe. And apparently, that was not the first time this was happening.
I can understand ABC’s frustrations. For me, of course if it is someone you are close to, I would not mind doing such things for them, or asking their help. But I definitely would not tell my whole family that I have such a friend and they are all free to call her at this number to ask her to help with staff purchase. Please lor, like I said, people need to work one leh.
My ex colleagues also often email me whenever there is staff sale going on, and I will also forward the list to my friends and family. But the difference is: I consolidate the orders and give it as 1 order, not ask them to mail their orders to my ex colleague separately. I think that would make her job easier also right?
ABC called me today again. She msned me to ask if I was at my desk, and said ‘I wanna complain about XYZ!’
What happened was: XYZ’s aunt called ABC to ask if the order was ready. ABC checked, and realized that some items were out of stock and discontinued, so she called XYZ’s aunt back to tell her. Who knows, XYZ’s aunt began asking her questions she could not answer, like:
‘Out of stock ar, then how?’
‘Discontinued? How come like that? Then customers no need to use ar?’
‘New item is the same name? Why is it the same name?’
‘What is my skin type? I don’t know leh.’
Please lor, people already nice enough to help to take order, fill in the form, collect the goods, and save you money some more, you still want to complain this, complain that. My friend is not there to hear you complain, or grumble, or anything for that matter. She can jolly well refuse to do the staff purchase for you, you know?
What’s more, XYZ only msn ABC when she needs to replenish her stocks. Not once did she msn just to say hi or anything. Come to think of it, she only msn me, whenever she needs some discount card from me. Hmph…
All I can say is, some people are just so thick-skinned, and buay zi dong. Oh yes, and ungrateful!
Oh and yes, I told ABC to block XYZ from her msn hehehe. Maybe I should do the same…
Should I?
My Elfie Baby
Many a times, Bubbles has asked me to put him on dry food. But then knowing my boy, he would rather starve and vomit gastric juice than eat something he does not like. Bubbles then suggested that I put an auto feeder with a timer in the house, so I can be ensured that Elfie is fed on time everyday.

Anyway, I love handfeeding him (Although I am the only in the family whoe does that. My mum will just leave the food on the floor and wait for him to eat himself), and seeing him enjoy the food. That, is the satisfaction of a happy mum seeing her child finish all his food. Hahahahaha!
I told Elfie’s Godma-I that unlike other dogs who lick their owners, Elfie prefers to nibble instead. In the 1 year plus that I had him, Elfie has licked me no more than twenty times, IF there is even twenty times. The times he licked his food off my hands/fingers are not counted, of course. Sometimes, when he plays with us, he uses too much strength and it can be really painful. I have a lot more scars on my hands and legs now. This is the most recent one, which never seems to heal.
YL said that it probably will leave a permanent scar boohoohoo!
I believe only doglovers/owners will truly understand how I feel. Everyone else will just stare at me, shake their heads and think I am crazy.
Which category do you belong to?
Last but not least, here are some pictures of my Elfie baby boy. Abit blur, but isnt he adorable?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Handicapped Toilet
Warning: This post may cause you some discomfort. Do not read further if you are eating or drinking. Read at your own risk!
There is a toilet for the handicapped in my ex and current office. Because these 2 companies happen to occupy a few levels in the building, the toilets are generally used by people that we know.
In my ex company, the toilet for the handicapped is used by both male and female. I have particularly seen male colleagues preferring to use the handicapped toilet. If there was someone using it, they would wait patiently outside, instead of going to the gents, which is just less than 5 steps away. Why they prefer the handicapped toilet, I do not know. Maybe it gives more privacy? But, what are they afraid to show? I mean, haven’t they been doing the same thing since young, peeing in the urinator (is it called that?) in the same toilet with all the other guys? Or are they really so ashamed of their penis that they are not willing to display it while doing the thing people do everyday - pee? Beats me.
In my current company, the handicapped is exclusively for female usage, it seems. Reason being – it is next to the female toilet. The gents is located at the other corner, so it would seem weird if a guy walks towards the direction of the female toilet, right? That is my own assumption lah.
For me, I use whichever is available. If all the cubicles in the common toilet are occupied, I would see if the handicapped toilet is available. There is only one reason I would insist on the handicapped toilet – to clear away the more toxic toxins in my body haha. Ahem ahem…
Why I prefer to do it in the handicapped toilet is because:
1. I can make as much noise and no one will know its me. Imagine you are using the common toilet, when you are done farting and bombing and come out from the cubicle, those in the toilet then will know who was the one bombing away.
2. I don’t have to worry about the smell disturbing other users.
3. I can take my own sweet time. I don’t have to worry about a long queue outside waiting for you to come out, and as long as there are no self-conscious-inferior male waiting outside.
Of course, I ensure that everything unsightly is flushed away before I leave the handicapped toilet. The smell, there is nothing I can do about it, sorry.
However, not everyone is as considerate as I am (a-hem). I have seen unsightly stuff in the toilets, handicapped and common one. Sorry to say, I have to admit that female users are just so much more inconsiderate than male users. I mean, sorry that you have to be born a woman, and have more mess than men. But cant you just clean up the mess you made before you leave?
I have seen:
* Bloody sanitary pads lying on the ledge at the back of the toilet.
* Sanitary pad wrappers on the floor, on the cover of the dustbin, but not In the dustbin.
* Faeces/urine not flushed away. This can be done by both male and female, of course.
* Hand towels lying on the floor, in the basin.
* The floor wet with don’t know urine or water.
* The seat cover filled with droplets of water. Yes even in the female toilet. How they managed to pee until like that, I don’t know.
So much for trying so hard to be a gracious nation, I am sorry to say that Singaporeans, in general, are still very selfish, especially when it comes to public property.
OK, I take that back. Because my ex company is an MNC, with 80% of my colleagues being expats from all over the world.
I should say: there is still plenty of room for improvement. Garmen/everyone, please do something about it before we all turn into selfish-inconsiderate freaks.
Thank you!
P/s: I have heard that some couples use the handicapped toilet for kinky business when they suddenly feel like doing it, and are nowhere near home or a motel. Is that true?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Role Play, Bondage, and What Have You
I was a little shocked to see so many people, girls to be exact, are so agreeable to… should I say kinky sex? Role play, bondage, outdoor sex (and I really mean OUTdoors) and what have you… And mind you, most of these people are only in their late teens to early twenties. Am I getting old or am I just conservative??
Ok, some of my exes did ever reveal their fantasies to me before, but nothing very kinky, and we never really got around doing it anyway hahahaha.
Does the above really make sex more enjoyable? Do you really feel good when you feel being raped, or if you imagined having sex with your brother/father? Yucks, not for me…
Bondage, ok, I know sometimes it adds spice to the routine/boring sex life. I don’t mind trying it if I have the chance hahaha.
Blindfolding makes you anticipate what the next move is because you have no idea where that person is heading next. Being tied up makes it more exciting because you have no control over the whole thing. Being a passive person, I will let the other person do the navigating hahaha. Of course the one navigating will have to be gentle, because I don’t wanna get hurt in the process. Violence is a big No-no for me. If I lose a single hair, that’s it. He will not get away with it scot-free kekeke.
Outdoor sex… is not really appealing to me… because I am not exactly a very outdoor person. All of you will know by now I am terrified of creepy crawlies. Which is the reason why I prefer to stay indoors most times. Like some of my dates would think that a stroll in the park, or sitting down on a bench in the pavilion in the garden would be nice. But I would give a very skeptical look, scout all the surroundings, still give a very skeptical look before I sit down very unwillingly. Any single movement will have me jumping up from my seat and exclaiming ‘There is something moving there!’, and sweeping away anything on my body/clothes that wasn’t there in the first place. Nah, that wouldn’t be very romantic, will it? Hahaha!
Oh, some of the girls have done it in cinemas before. Cinema? Wouldn’t it be very.. er… distracting? Imagine in the midst of a movie, you start to hear ‘ooo… yes baby… ah…’ coming from somewhere in the cinema? Hahahaha! What would you do if you hear them? Search for the source? Or continue watching the movie as if nothing happened? Or, join in the fun? Hahahaha!
Hmm… how adventurous am I really in this? I have no idea, YET. That, is for the next lucky one in my life to find out ;p.
With, Or Without Wings
Just as I admitted to being a scaredy cat, last night, I encountered another nerve-cracking experience – creepy crawlies.
I have said before that I HATE HATE all sorts of creepy crawlies, with & without wings. From ants to spiders to ladybug to moth to cockroaches, with or without wings.
Yes, you did not read wrong. I am afraid of ants too. Of course, just one is not so scary, but when the whole troop of them comes, I am sure anyone will be freaked out. I am afraid of any troop of more than ten. Yes, ten. And that only applies to ants. Any other creatures, one is enough to make me suffer a nervous breakdown.
Last night, a moth ventured into my house. It flew in from the living window (I guessed), and started fluttering its wings all over. Me, being the typical woman, starting the game – Dodge, with it. Elfie was looking at me with his head tilted, wondering what the hell I was doing. When it finally settled down, I sort of calmed down abit, and continued with whatever I was doing. Then I lost track of it. I was fine with that. Not like with the case of cockroaches, I will be determined to find it and kill it or chase it out of the house before I am satisfied. I can live with a moth, as long as it stays clear of me (which happens to be at least 2 meters away in this case).
Then, when I decided to retire for the night, I went into my room and switched on the light to get ready for bed, and… something started fluttering. It was the moth! It was in my room!! I started the fluttering-wings-dodging-human game again. After about 15 minutes, it finally settled down again. In the room! On the wall next to my mattress! I couldn’t sleep with that. I moved my mattress into the living room and slept there. Yes, I rather sleep in the living room than my bedroom with a moth in it. My brother must be wondering why on earth I was sleeping in the living room, when I could have the bedroom (the only room with aircon some more!) all to myself, when he came back in the middle of the night.
I had a restless night. I kept worrying that the moth would fly out from the room and right onto me. But then it didn’t lah.
This morning, I woke up and nearly forgot about the moth, until I discovered that Elfie did not run to me for his breakfast of 2 succulent chicken breast meat as he usually did. I went in to look for him, and saw Elfie crouching on the floor of the bedroom, wagging his tail. I went closer to see what he was wagging his tail at. And, no prize for guessing right, it was the moth. I gave a little shriek (subconsciously, I knew it was still early, and bro was still sleeping, and he would definitely not be happy to be waken by my screams and shrieks because of a stupid moth), and Elfie looked at me in that funny why-are-you-making-funny-noise way again. He started playing with the moth, pawing at it, giving soft barks, wagging his tail happily. He thought he had a new playmate! Of course, the poor moth was half dead by this time. I mean, I know it is cruel to let it die this way, but then I really had no courage to pick it up and rescue it from Elfie’s paws. Yes, even with a broom and dustpan, I still do not have the courage. So, I left it to be tortured to death by Elfie. I thought I would give it a ‘proper burial’ (down the dustbin) after it died. Little did I expect Elfie to not even leave its carcass! He ate the whole thing! Yucks! Pui pui pui!
I shall stay clear of Elfie’s mouth for the rest of the week until I bath him on Sunday, which then I will make sure I clean his sinful mouth…
Monday, January 15, 2007
Scaredy Cat
Soon the lift came. Nobody went in, so I went in first. The lady followed. The Indian lady and her kids, however, did not come in. They stared at me like I was some insane woman. I felt scared suddenly. Why weren’t they coming in? Can they see the lady at all? Did they feel something was wrong? I was tempted to run out of the lift door before it closed completely, but thought it would look rude and ridiculous. What if she was a neighbour afterall? I forced myself to stay calm and in the lift.
I pressed my level. She did not move. I felt even more scared. How come she did not press any button? I don’t remember she stayed on my level… Is she trying to be funny? Or is she human at all???
Then, she pressed the level below mine. I felt abit more relieved, but was still scared. I could feel her scrutinizing me, giving me a good hard stare. But I resisted from turning to look back at her. Because I was afraid of what I would see.
Will she suddenly whip out a knife and rob me? Will she tap me on my shoulder, and when I turn I will see a face with no features? Will she…
The lift reached the level she pressed. And she stepped out of the lift! I heaved a silent sigh of relief.
Am I not a scaredy cat? Hahaha!
D&D Pictures
Er... some famous wrestler?
A group of primary school students with their nerdy teacher in the lead. This is really funny, because the teacher looks really nerdy, and the students all happened to be very small sized, when the gals tie up their hair, they really looked like small kids!
The nuns and the 60's Mata
Erm.. Some character that claims to be from The Harry Potter series...
A gang of colourful rocksters
A team wearing jerseys
One of the格格
Ok, the rest, I really cant post here, due to obvious reasons. Wait for my email la, which can be anytime from tomorrow to next week, because it is taking a blardy long time to upload the pictures!