Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I MSNed with a friend last night. To me, this friend ‘sounded’ a little upset, because some things were not working out as well as thought. I called this friend this morning to check if everything was ok. This friend said not feeling upset, just telling me what this friend thought and felt. Just wanted to say out, and not bottle up.

This set me thinking. Many times, I, and I believe many other people, tend to jump to our own conclusions, and act according to our assumptions, not knowing how another person may feel differently.

A person may seem to be weak and need protection, but in actual fact, that person is perfectly capable of fending and taking care of oneself. If another person just feels that this person needs protection, and just keep protecting this person, this person may ironically feel suffocated/obligated by the other person’s protection.

A person may seem to need help. But this person may prefer to solve the problem by self. If another person just assumes that helping in own way IS helping this person, that may not be helping at all. This person may not want to be helped, or the way the other person is helping may not be what this person needs help in.

A person may appear to be meek, cowardly, and not voice out own views. But this person may just be quietly thinking, and not intending to make known views. This doesnt mean that this person is scared of anyone or anything.

Bubbles, love given freely is never wrong. Its just how the receiver sees it. Everyone has a different perception of things. How you feel, may not be the same as how another person feels. The giver may be giving out of the context of a caring friend, but the receiver may think that there is more to it. Well, I guess there is nothing more straightforward than just saying everything out.

I sound very complicated dont I. Do you all know what I am talking about???

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