Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Famous, I Am Not

Bubbles saw someone left some comments in my blog and said that the person is quite mean. Well Bubbles, if you intend to have a blog that is to be seen by everyone and anyone, I guess then you have to expect all kinds of nonsense from some of them. I mean, having read other people’s blogs, I think I have not got the worst of the nasty comments, yet.

Honestly, I dont think my blog is very interesting. Quite boring, in fact. But its my thoughts and feelings for the day/week/month, so its up to me how I want to write, correct? As long as in the near or far future, when I look back into the archives, I can still remember what happened, how I felt then, I think I have achieved the purpose of my intention to start a blog.

And no no no, my intention is definitely not to get famous, to let everyone know that I have a blog, to let everyone know what happens in my life. If you read my blog, you will realize that I dont mention names, not even my own. Only people that I know will know exactly who is who, what is what.

Being famous is for sure not what I want. Please lor, even with people I know, I am already quite shy, not to mention with strangers, I will be completely silent. Anti-social, you may say. Maybe. Even close friends like JB-ren knows that. Thats why I am always left out of her social events that she holds with her other group of friends. Maybe she is worried that I may portray a very anti-social attitude, and her other friends may not like it. Or maybe she is worried that I may feel left out, which I definitely will not be, because I am usually contented sitting in a corner, listening to what others have to say.

I only have a lot to say, when I am with friends that I have known for donkey years, and am comfortable with. With people whom I am not comfortable with, they will probably either see a mad woman keeping quiet and smiling to herself the whole day, or a bitterguord face that looks like she may cry any moment.

Yes, I have a bitterguord face. Many people who don’t know me well, will always ask me the same question: Are you alright? Did something happen?

No lor, I just have a bitterguord face ok. Cant expect me to keep smiling to myself the whole day when there is nothing to smile about, right?

Some comment that I look fierce when not smiling. Yes, I have got that comment since young. Infact, fierce and bitterguord are the 2 most comments I receive. How sad… Hahahaha

I was feeling bored one day and I was flipping through my old stuff. And I saw… My primary school autograph book! 2 of them actually. Reason is: I changed school when my first one merged with another school which I hated. So I pestered my mum to change me to another school. Stoopid reason right? Hahahaha

I realized that in my first autograph book, half the names were people not from my own class, but from my 2nd sister’s class. Why? I have no idea. At that time, I did get along quite well with her friends, even went out with them sometimes. Maybe then, I was a little more social hahaha. But then, that also shows that I am not so unpopular as I thought I was right? Hahaha

In my 2nd little autograph book, most names were familiar, if they left any names at all. Funny things was, many of my ‘friends’ just signed off, without telling me who the hell they are. I mean, am I expected to be able to decipher their signatures years later, like now?? Strange people…

But looking at these 2 little autograph booked did bring back memories of my primary school days. Those were the ‘i-friend-you, i-dun-friend-you’ days. Filled with lots of fun and laughter, no doubt of that. I still remember in those days, people liked to pair couples up, even though the couple may in fact hate each other to the core. I recalled I was ‘paired up’ with this boy whom I didnt really liked, and once when they were teasing us again, I just screamed ‘He is not my boyfriend ok!’ and ran to the girls’ toilet to cry. What happened next, I really cant remember. But I do know that after that, we were playing happily together again. Hahahaha… Those were the days…

Now, both my primary schools are already no more in existence. One of them has become the BB Headquarters (any idea where;p), the other one, converted to an examination center.

Another strange thing is: I never seemed to have bumped into any of my primary schoolmates before. Where have they all gone to??

Hey, if you are from any of the primary I mentioned above, graduated in 1986, please do leave me a note ok? Who knows, we may be long lost friends hahaha!

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