Sunday, November 26, 2006


I had yet another very close shave with my arch enemy, Mr Roach again.

I was preparing to bring my baby for a walk downstairs. After putting on his harness, leashed him, sling his outing bag over my shoulder, I opened the door and went out. After making sure the door is closed, I happened to just glance down at my shirt. And saw 'him' clinging on to my shirt, right at the chest area!

How 'he' got there, dont ask me, because I DONT FRIGGING KNOW!!! 'He' was those red colour kind, not the brown kind. Same shade as my wooden door, which might explain why I did not see 'him' in the first place. I muffled a scream that almost became a deafening one (if I did not muffle it), and quickly shoved 'him' away. 'He' landed lightly onto the floor, and crawled hurriedly away, while I dragged Elfie away as fast as I could, looking back every now and then to see if 'he' still followed us.

Those whom I have told, and those who have read one of my very earlier posts, will know that I have a 'very intimate' relationship with Mr Roach. More initmate than alot of my friends, in fact. Not that I want to, because I have no wish to be associated with them in any way. But for some reasons I have yet to find out, they seem to take a liking to me, or rather, I seem attractive to them. Just like the jerkish men I meet.

Nice things seldom find their way to me. And if I try too hard to get to them, I will just get more disappointed. SO, I tell myself to be contented with whatever I already have, and everything else is is bonus to me. That way, I will be happier.


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