Today is THE day. Last day of the year I will see my boss, I hope ahahaha. Since she will be kept busy for the whole of December, and I will be taking the last few days of the year off, I think that should be it.
Basically, I shouldnt be complaining too much, since I dont see her as much as the others do. But then, I guess my tolerance for nonsense has dropped to a record low. Just a little teeny weeny bit of nonsense will send me to hysterical mode.
Am I getting old?
Yesterday was the wedding of my ex-colleague, E. I was appointed as one of her Ah Yees, so I went to her house early in the morning to ‘send her off’ to her hubby’s place.
I was a little late, because I was trying hard to hide my tan lines, but to no avail. Guess I have to go with it.
I thought it was a bit quiet for a wedding. In fact it was the quietest I have been to. There were only 2 other Ah Yees, besides myself. One of them is another ex-colleague, K, who joined me in the fun of saboing the groom. The other was an ex-classmate of the bride. She was happy to remain behind the scene. So in actual fact, only 2 of us were ‘working’. For some reasons, the bride’s sisters (the real ones) did not join us.
The groom and his brothers were quite sporting. They just did whatever we asked them to. But because K and I were not very prepared, we just let them in when we ran out of ideas.
Everything went on quite smoothly. Just some minor hiccups here and there, but no major issues. I knew that E was a demanding girlfriend, but then now I know her hubby really gives in to her a lot. Seeing the way they talk, the way she demands things from him, the way she ‘reprimands’ him when things went wrong (though she is never like that with us ;p), the way he accepts everything, including her ‘unreasonableness’, I am sure that they will live happily ever after.
The morning affair ended much earlier than planned. We went off to rest and get ready for the dinner. I went home to catch some sleep, woke up at 4pm to do my hair. Simple one as I did not want anything too elaborate. Then I went home to change and doll up for the night. I was having some trouble wearing my dress. I couldnt zip it all the way up without help! Called my sis and asked her what time she would be back. She had kindly agreed to come back to cook dinner for my baby. I asked if she could be back earlier, to help me zip up! She said ‘What a reason to ask me to come back!’ -_-
Anyway, all set to go for dinner. I wanted to attend the solemnization, because I realized that I had always missed that of all of my best friends’ due to recep duty, or other responsibilities assigned. This time, I was determined to witness it. I went up to the suite and saw that E was all ready.
It was a beautiful moment. Nothing beats the touching moment when a man and a woman make their vows to love, care for each other for the rest of their lives. Although nowadays, such vows cannot be really relied upon anymore…
After the solemnization, L, K and I went down to assume our recap roles. It was quite simple, because we were doing the bride’s friends and colleagues. The bulk of the guests were from the groom’s side (Total of 55 tables).
Ok, I shall cut a long story short, because suddenly, my mood for blogging has been affected by the sms my boss sent me. All meetings after 5pm. Means her day starts at 5. Means my day starts at 8am, and ends at 12midnight, if I am lucky. Sigh… My poor dog… Hope my bro can be home early to feed him for me.
Can I start work at 5pm too then? I can put in the same number of hours, 5pm – 2am, no problem.
I know Bubbles, that I am already lucky that I only have to face her like 1/3 of the year. But then, when I knew that my pre-predecessor has been asked to make a choice between her job and her religion, I already knew that in my heart, I do not want to work under such a selfish, unreasonable, workaholic boss for long. She doesnt have a life, that I know, but I still want mine. Who knows, one day she might ask me to choose between my dog and my job. My choice is obvious. Make a guess!
Anyway, here is THE ‘interesting’ part of the dinner last night. Remember the smses exchanged between me and my ex-boss? I knew that I would meet him yesterday, and I had pre-empted L, K and E to camouflage me when necessary. But I knew that saying ‘hi’ was inevitable, because he was just sitting at the next table. True enough, he saw me and came over to give me a hug (I thought it was just a casual hello hug, you know the ang moh style). Then just talked about miscellaneous stuff,, and I escaped back to my table. I had also pre-empted D to come fetch me if necessary. He had agreed.
I thought all was fine and over and done with, with my ex-boss. I was smsing D to see if he was on the way, when L saw my ex-boss smsing too. She exclaimed softly ‘He sms you ah!’ I shook my head vigorously ‘NO LA!’. I was happy too soon. 10 minutes later, I got an sms. Thinking it was D replying me, I opened the message and read it. I froze again. The all-the-goosepimples-in-my-body-starts-to-surface feeling overwhelmed me again.
It was my ex-boss.
H: You look lovely!
Me: Thanks
H: Whats your curfew tonight?
Me (after looking at my watch, which shows 10.30pm): 11
H: Lets go for a drink. I will send you home after that.
Me (Freaking out): Sorry, but I am meeting my friend.
Wahlau eh! Speaking of the devil lor, L! I quickly smsed D and asked him to meet me at the lobby NOW. After telling E I HAD to leave, and she understood, I left the dinner.
I told myself I will never reply any of his sms anymore.
That’s all for the dinner for now. Will post pics and tell more when I have the mood to. Now, back to brooding…
PMS mode surfacing…
Ok… I shall take some time to quit brooding over something I cant change and continue blogging about dinner. Nothing much. Just some random thoughts that I can remember here and there.
Pictures! I didnt take much, so enjoy the few I did bother to take.
This is my outfit for the day.

This is the boy who opened the car door for the groom.

He is vvvvvvvvvvvvvvveryyyyyyyy adorable. He blushed when I said he was handsome. Hahaha. We kept teasing him. Abit shy, but he is responsive. Like we asked him to roll on the bride and groom’s bed. He did.

We asked him to hold the bouquet to pose for us, he did, though he felt it was sissy.

The twins! The more well endowed one is the bride’s sister, the other is her cousin. Very cute pair too! 
The bride, resting her tired legs. She is not used to wearing heels, so I can imagine…
Bride in a daze...
Eating mee sua with egg and smsing
My outfit for the dinner. Now I do feel its abit too revealing… Maybe that’s why HE got the wrong idea… But then, how come the other guys never??

Our chauffeurs for the day were the groom’s cousins. The one that chauffeured me was a younger cousin. I tried to strike conversation as it was getting a wee bit too quiet in the car. He told me that he had an identical twin brother, who was supposed to drive the third car, but couldnt make it the last minute. He said they were so identical that very very few people could tell them apart. I saw them during the dinner. Really very alike! Except the one that drove us was darker, his twin was abit fairer. During the photo taking session, he came to ask us to position ourselves. I asked him jokingly, Which one are you? He said ‘The one that kenna saboed by you this morning la!’ Hahahaha.
The groom’s father is a distinguished business man. He had associates from Hong Kong, Malaysia and China coming all the way here to attend the wedding. He also invited Minister Lim Hng Kiang. Some of my ex-colleagues were very impressed by the kind of respect he commanded. We joked that the bride also has lots of associates from all parts of the world to attend her wedding – America, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, India… Ahahahah! My ex-company is very multinational one!
Before I had to run off to escape ‘ahem’, I managed to catch the sabo bride and groom time at our table. We just did something simple – drink! They mixed white wine, red wine, brandy, and coke together. 2 full glasses. 1 glass to be shared among us girls, the other one by the groom. The groom played cheat by pouring some from his glass to ours. Nevermind, we have more people to share! But in the end, I finished like ¾ of the glass, because the rest only drank a sip each! -_-
Luckily I can hold my liquor well enough! Hahahah *smug look*
Okie dokie! I think that’s about it. If I can remember more, I will add it on!
To HP, Cher, Bubbles, Ping, D, and all of you out there, have a good day and week ahead!