Thursday, March 15, 2007


Ever since I grew up, meaning passing the age of 5, and understanding the meaning of birthday, I seldom get surprise parties, or any party for that matter. But this group of friends of mine, never failed to spring surprises on one another on our birthdays. JNC, YL, MT, and LA.

I remember the year after I left the company, I went for a gathering with these darlings, and they sprang a birthday celebration for me. And if you remember one of my post, last year, they did it again, with the manicure ‘voucher’ and beautiful DIY card.

We had wanted to surprise JNC last year, but somebody picha lobang, and she got to know about it. But nevertheless, we managed to do it a second time. LA, being in Taipei, is more difficult to surprise, but we sent her our well-wishes and present, and I think she was pleasantly surprised as well.

Yesterday, we celebrated YL’s birthday. Although it’s a good one month before the day itself, we decided to do it early, because, well, someone was shameless enough to remind JNC that her birthday was coming. And so, we knew that if we did it too close to the day, she would be anticipating it. So JNC suggested doing it early early, so she would not suspect anything. And we did.

On the pretext of JNC’s mum cooking a sumptuous meal for us (JNC’s mum likes to cook, and she is very good at it, and she likes to invite us to her house to eat, because she enjoys seeing us enjoy the food she cooks.), JNC invited all of us to her house for dinner. As ‘invited guests’, it was only polite that we brought something for her mum, since she was cooking specially for us. So YL ordered this huge 9-layer rainbow kueh from this popular place that JNC recommended, arranged for a courier to pick it up, and send it to the office, paid for it herself, and brought it to JNC’s house.

Little did she know that, we were going to put candles on it, and that was going to be her birthday ‘cake’! So she was actually doing everything herself, for her birthday celebration! JNC said that it ‘serves her right’ for reminding us about her birthday, and spoiling her own surprise! Kekeke!

So gals, like LA said, even if you know your birthday is coming, and someone will be celebrating for you, you have to pretend that you do not know that they are celebrating for you, and pretend to be surprised when they come out from the kitchen, holding a cake, singing ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Kekeke…

Oh, and I must mention. JNC’s mum is really a good cook. Last night we had sambal fish, beef rending, fried chicken, lotus roots soup, chap chye. And all the dishes were so gooooooooooooooooooooooooood!! Finger-licking good! And aunty kept refilling the plates with more food, we just kept eating and eating, until we could fill our stomachs no more. I took photos of the food, wanting to show LA the kind of banquet we were served, despite her objections, but I realized that the USB card reader is not working, and I can’t download the pictures in my office, so I have to do it at home. So YL, I know you are waiting for the photos of the food. Wait ya! *Grins*

Another thing I have to mention, is that JNC has a pair of very adorable, very witty children. Her son kept wanting to join us at the table, wanting to join in our conversation, despite him saying that we bored him with the things we were talking about. Her daughter, following her brother also sat at the table. They were both talking and talking, until JNC could take it no longer, and asked them to leave the table, giving us adults some ‘peace’ hehehe. They relunctantly went back to their room, and got ready for bed.

I remember JC brought her son to my father’s wake 2 years back. And from there, I already knew that he was a 'special' kid. Special in the sense that he asked a lot of intelligent questions, and is not shy to ask. Which is good. Not like many of us, who is always afraid to ask, afraid to make mistakes, afraid of losing face, afraid of being embarrassed. I mean, only then, you can learn more, right? I think so… I mean, I am not always in the company of children, so I would not know how the children nowadays are like. Maybe they are all like him???? Ahaha!

JNC’s daughter is a sweet little girl. As like all other second child, she follows her brother around a lot. JNC told us she is in the TAF Club. Some of you may know, all primary schools in Singapore have this system, whereby the kids that were deemed fat/obese/overweight will be put into this club. Everyday, during recess, instead of joining the other kids at the canteen, these kids will have to exercise. Poor thing hor. I mean, they also need to eat one mah. Why have to make them exercise when all the rest are eating, or playing games? But I guess the government thinks that it is for the good of the kids’ health, so well…

I really thought that JNC’s girl is not fat at all, the only thing is… her tummy is BIG. Other parts of her body are fine, in my opinion. So I don’t know why she is in the club. Good thing is, JNC’s girl took it well. She can even tell JNC that TAF, which stands for Trim And Fit, is Fat spelt backwards. Hmmm.. I never noticed kekeke… This little girl, is gonna make everyone happy. The whole night, she entertained us with her full-of-expressions- face, showing us the funny graphics in the playstation, showing us her ‘pet dog’ Snowee, etc. I think she is a sweet girl.

Oh, both of them kids have small eyes, so when they smile or laugh, there is only a small slit hehehe. I like small eyes *giggles*. I think they are cute!

Anyone has any small eyes and cute guys to introduce to me?

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