Monday, March 26, 2007


Last Saturday was my ex-colleagues’ third attempt at playing match-make. This time, it was to celebrate LT’s belated birthday, so we went out for dinner at Sushi Tei at Paragon.

I arrived slightly late because I had to feed Elfie (Mum’s out playing mahjong). And I was not the latest. Mr. Y (That guy they wanted to go park-tor with) was late, forgivable, because he was on night shift the day before, and just woke up from his sleep.

So we ate our favourite sushi and stuff, and LT’s favourite ice cream. She is crazy, I tell you. There were 7 of us, and she ordered 8 ice cream. After dinner, we can comfortable share 4 desserts and still have leftover, So you tell me, how to finish 8 desserts, when there were only 7 of us, and after such a filling dinner? But well, that is the LT I know. She wants, she orders, and we eat (because she simply puts it into our dishes and ‘forced’ us to finish the food). I am sort of used to it. And because I like ice cream too, I did not voice my objection, as I would have if it were other food in other occasions.

They had planned to go KTV after dinner, but because it was still early, we went shopping a little. But somehow or other, after some whispering among the rest of the girls without consulting me, they decided to go to LT’s house to play mahjong instead.

I not stupid, I know why they changed the venue. Because if we stayed in town area, I can share a cab home with LT, because we stayed near to each other, then Mr. Y would have no chance to send me home (if they made him). But if we were at LT’s house, he would have to send me home. So I am quite positive they came up with this plot, so that Mr. Y and I could have some quality time together, on the bike.

Little did they know that I was having a terrible headache that day, and had no wish to play such a noisy game or go on an adventure on the bike a second time…

So, anyway, we adjourned to LT’s house. Mr. Y did not arrive until much much later (I found out why later). And we played mahjong. Though I made it clear in the beginning that I did not want to play, they made me. And of course, Mr. Y. And LT, as usual, started her ‘interrogation’ with Mr. Y. How often he does night shift, what is his favourite colour, what car he bought, when was his birthday, what is his zodiac sign, etc etc etc. I really did not catch the conversation, because I was trying not to lose the game, and my headache was getting worse.

Finally, after one round of east, south, west, north, they let me off, and the guys played. We girls went down for supper, as EH was hungry. Then, I told them that I did not want to go on the bike that night, as I was not feeling well, and… I felt it was not very convenient…

But they insisted, because Mr. Y had not known that it was such a big group (He thought he was only meeting EH and hubby), and he knew that he would be sending me home, so after dinner, he rushed home all the way north to get his extra helmet, and then rushed all the way west to LT’s house. OK! That was enough to make me feel bad. BUT, I still felt uncomfortable because, … it was simply not convenient for me. And then the emotional blackmail began. ‘He went all the way home to get the helmet leh, you have to be appreciative/North is not near here leh/You should let him send you home, he went home specially to take the helmet one/etc etc etc’.

If they had left me alone there and then, maybe I would have felt bad later and just guai guai sit on the bike. But after saying so much, they just pissed me off, and made me feel that they are trying too hard to push me to him, or vice versa. I just kept quiet, as I did not want to argue. When we went back upstairs, I was ‘forced’ to play another round of mahjong. Mr. Y and EH’s hubby had gone for smoke break. When they came back, I couldn’t help but noticed the strong cigarette smell on him. And the fingernails on his pinkies… I really don’t understand why any men would want/need/have to grow them long. There is only one reason I can think of, and I don’t think I need to spell that out. So oops! Now I am totally turned off by him. Struck off my list. I am sorry…

You see my friends, try too hard, and the plan might backfire. I have told them many times – let nature take its course. But, this is clearly not nature’s course, because I can ‘hear’ them planning this and that, and making me do things that I am not willing to do. I am 吃软不吃硬kind, so, the more you force me, the more I don’t like, the more I turn away.

Oh, and I found out, he is not one, not two, but F.O.U.R years younger than me! My younger brother’s age! No way man! Although I don’t look my age (a-hem), even look younger than him (a-hem-hem), but still, psychologically, I am not prepared to date my younger brother.

So, if you will excuse me now, I need to think of a hundred reasons to turn down their invitation to celebrate his birthday in a few week’ time.

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