Thursday, March 22, 2007

Something Meaningful

Something I read in one of the forums I frequent:
The Unagi sushi… & the rest
Let’s say my perfect sushi would be the unagi sushi, so I’m sitting at some sushi outlet with those conveyer belts, very hungry and with a huge craving for my unagi sushi. And then the conveyer belt continues to turn, but my unagi sushi is still nowhere in sight. And I see tamago sushi coming towards me, I see kani salad coming towards me, I see salmon sushi coming towards me… and I am so damn hungry.
I have a choice, to pick up the rest of the sushi plates first to fill up my stomach temporarily while waiting for my craved unagi sushi to appear. But the thing is, if I am to fill my stomach first with 3 plates of “miscellaneous” sushi, wun my stomach be too full for any more sushi when my unagi sushi appears? So I tahan and tahan while my stomach gets hungrier and hungrier as every second passes. And then one unagi sushi is coming towards me! But as hungry as I may be, the unagi sushi looks normal… and given my current hunger status, I would want to have a piece of unagi sushi with a mega piece of unagi on it. So being the stubborn me, I decided to let this plate of unagi sushi go and hope that a bigger and better plate will come along.
And after a really long time, I still dun see a better plate of unagi sushi, and that same normal plate of unagi sushi has already passed by me a 2nd time. But again, I decided not to succumb to my hunger and to stick by my ideals, waiting for the ideal plate of unagi sushi to appear in front of me.
And after the 3rd time the same normal plate of unagi sushi came by again I decided to take it off the conveyer belt and eat it, still with the mindset that I can always wait for the bigger and better plate of unagi sushi to come while I fill my stomach with this normal plate first. And to my amazement, it tasted like heaven! Maybe it is because I’m already so famished when I ate it, or maybe it is because it’s actually my perfect unagi sushi. And surprisingly, after I ate that normal plate of unagi sushi, I am already fully satisfied. I will not be waiting for a better plate to come along, because the really best plate of unagi sushi is already in my stomach. This plate of unagi sushi went past me a few times without me even considering taking it off the belt; imagine if I had insisted on waiting for a better plate, I would never have realized how wonderful this normal plate tasted. Or maybe it’s actually not a normal plate of unagi sushi, maybe it is already the best unagi sushi you can find on the conveyer belt.And I am so glad I took it off the plate before someone else does it. And because it’s taste is so heavenly, I would never ever eat another plate of unagi sushi.
Unagi sushi… I love you.

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