Monday, December 11, 2006


Mrs D is pregnant! Yes, D, I know you told me few days ago, but I did not think of blogging about it till now.

D, somehow, was not very elated with the news. I am not sure why… But I know that he loves kids, and that if he has his own, he will be a good father.

D, to me, has always been an independent person. I realized why one day when he told me he started fending for himself at a fairly young age. Which explains why he always exudes that little bit of MCPness in him, always taking charge when he needs to.

But then, guys being guys, also always have that little child in him, no matter what age he is. D, like all guys, is sometimes like a child. Especially when I see him playing with his 3 dogs, is just like 3 children playing together, 1 being the usual bully (D la hahah). He will use the air-gun (is it air-gun?) and shoot at his dogs. Not pain, I know, because the ‘bullets’ are Styrofoam, but it sort of shocks the dogs and makes them run all over the house, and hide in whatever place they can find. He will carry Bubbles (the dog not my buddy), the fattest one of the lot, and turn her round and round on the floor. When Bubbles manage to stand, she will scoff at him, as if scolding him for teasing her. Cute scene hahaha.

D asked me last night ‘Have you started walking around the office?’

I laughed. I told him before that the fortune teller said my significant other will be from my office, so I should probably go sashay around in my office, wearing my sexiest dress wahahahahaha.

Aiyoh, recently I don’t know busy with what, how to look my sexiest with dark circles like coffee stains and eye bags big like real bags underneath my eyes???

When its meant to be, it will be. If not, the harder you try, the more disappointed you get.


Tonight meeting A, F, and P, my uni friends. Another round of belated-birthday-cum-early-Christmas celebration. Another excuse for stuffing myself with food. Another reason not to start dieting.

How to lose those 10kg, tell me?

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