Having been cooped up at home most of the holidays, I finished reading 3 novels. They are a trilogy, 3 parts of a story. Funny thing was, I bought book 3 first, then found out there were 2 parts prior to it. So I decided to go hunt for the other 2 books. Its about vampires. Or should I say about courage? Or is it about love? Its by one of my favourite authors, Nora Roberts.
I read quite a bit. Mostly novels. I am a book junkie hahaha.
Ok, since I have nothing in particular to blog about, I shall blog about the book.
Some of you might have heard of the title Morrigan's Cross. About how the Gods called upon a circle of six - a sorcerer, a witch, a shape-lifter, a scholar, a warrior, and a vampire - to fight against the ancient Vampire Queen and her army. This circle of six came from different time zones, and different parts of the world, together, to accomplish this mission. And... well, I have to admit I am not a very good story teller. If I go on, it will only get boring... So, I shall leave you to read the book yourself if you are still interested ;p.
If they make this into a movie, I will sure go and watch it. Think it will be nice...
Oh, the nice thing is, (this will be a spoiler for those who wants to read the book), none of the good folks (none of the six, anyway) died in the end, and they all lived happily ever after. As it happens, three out of the six are male, and the other three female (but of course). And voila, three couples are formed. And throughout the three books, how their love for each other stood strong against all forces, and how true love always emerge victorious is demonstrated.
In reality, how strong can love be? I am not talking about parental love, because I never doubt that. I am talking about love between a man and a woman.
Can love really be forever? Be unconditional? Be strong against all forces?
Nah, I dont believe in any of that. Not anymore. Yes, I believe there is still love. But not forever. Not unconditional. And definitely not strong against all forces.
How can I believe, when he, who claims to love me, abandoned me, when all I asked for was a simple dinner with my mum?
How can I believe, when he, who claimed to love me, hurled abuses at me, when all I did was to back off before more damage was done?
How can I believe, when he, who claimed to love me, brush me aside, when all I asked for was a phone call?
How can I believe, when he, who claimed to love me, chose to let go, after he told me to hang on, which I did with my dear life?
How can I believe, when he, who claimed to love me, showered me with punches, instead of love, when al I did was to love him with all I had?
How can I believe, when even I myself, who said I would never love like that again, but still did?
Nah, love is just a spur of the moment. After that, it just becomes habitual, a part of your life so comfortable that you are not willing to make any changes to it.
Love, in reality, is not forever. At least to me.
Maybe thats why I prefer to indulge myself in novels and fairy tales. They have happy endings, or in the very least, the main lead is always strong enough to start all over again, and STILL have a happy ending.
Me? Not so brave anymore.
(Had wanted to end my blog here, but blogger giving me problem again, so I write some more lor.)
But then, all my friends seemed keen to marry me off. Few years back, Bubbles tried to play matchmake. One of her hubby’s buddies. Failed terribly hahahaha. But heard he is happily married now.
Recently Uni friend P was telling me she had this colleague who is very eligible, just abit shy. She kept asking if I wanted to meet him. Shy? No thanks. I have my fair share of shy guys ;p.
Coming January, my ex-colleague, the one who got married recently, is organizing a BBQ to thank the ‘brothers’ and ‘Ah Yees’. But I have a strong feeling that they are trying to set me up with one of the brothers. Why I have that feeling? I don’t know. Just a very strong gut feel. Let’s see if my gut fee is accurate.
30 Dec, 8.25pm
Just came back from JB-ren’s house. We had another gathering there before Ms Fit goes back to Germany tomorrow. Ms Fit has become so domestic! She baked a chocolate cake for us, and cleaned the whole place up after that, so that it looked exactly the same as if it ha never been used before! Pei fu pei fu… It put most of us to shame… But then, we are all always busy with work mah… Don’t really have time to do household chores… Hehhhee… ok, ok, I know all these are just excuses. But then, I am sure I am not the only one, right right right?
And guess what? We killed a mosquito in JB-ren’s house. An Aedes Mosquito! The legs black-white-black-white one! JB-ren just recovered from dengue fever, so very high possibility that she kenna from her house right? All of us got abit worried about the ‘safety’ of JB-ren’s apartment. She was not around then, and we were undecided what we should do.

‘Call MOE!’ someone said.
‘Today Saturday leh. Already 5pm liao leh.’
‘Saturday wont get dengue fever? Saturday wont have Aedes mosquito?’
‘I am sure got emergency line right?’
As usual, it was the talk-only-no-action session… -_-
Anyway, JB-ren, you better do something about it ok! (I know she doesn’t read my blog, so all of you who do, all tell her ok! ;p). We left the dead mosquito in a covered plastic cup at her house for her disposal hahahha,
The things we do, sometimes I cant believe I have a part in it…
(Think I ate too much too fast. Go toilet. Blog later…)
Dec 30, 10.35pm
Am channel switching now. Why is it that there is nothing to watch on a Saturday night?? Sad thing is, even my mum, who watches anything, and I really mean ANYTHING, agrees.
We ended up watching a Taiwanese variety show now. This show allows people to engage them to help them investigate matters, any matters. In this particular episode, a gal asked them to help them find out why her boyfriend is always so busy. End up she discovered the other side of her boyfriend, who is working part-time as a gigolo. She saw him behaving intimately with 2 women who were older than him. She couldn’t take the blow and without the show hosts knowing, hung herself.
BUT, there is a twist to the story. The boyfriend rushed to the hospital, and realized that his cover had blown. He explained by saying that he is not able to earn much with his education and work, so wants to earn more by being a gigolo. When he was young, he saw his parents die in the hospital because they had no money for the surgery/some hospital fees, and he doesn’t want history to repeat again. Is this reason forgivable?
Although the guy is repent, the gal did not survive.
Crappy show, some of you may say. But it just got my mum’s and my eyes glued to the TV for 10 minutes (yes we only watched the last 10minutes of the show).
Life is sometimes so dramatic, isn’t it?
Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. I have learnt that, in a way. Well, at least to me, if he wants to stray, better don’t let me find out. I will try not to know hahahha. But if, and when I do, he better watch it. No no no, I will not kill myself. I am not so stupid anymore. And no no no, I wont kill him too. I am not THAT stupid either.
What I will do… I am not telling you, in case you, you, or you happen to be the one I marry in future.