Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It Will Stay here And Here Only

A few words to my mum:

Mummy, I know you are trying hard to be a good housewife. Maybe you can consider the following points the next time you are doing your chores:

- Doing the dishes does not mean washing them under a sponge with a drop of detergent and putting them under running water. One drop of detergent plus running water will NOT get rid of the grease on the dishes.

- Adding on to doing the dishes, 'dishes' does not literally mean the dishes only. It includes the pots and pans, and having said that, pots and pans will include the covers as well.

- Mopping the floor does not mean using the mop and dip it into a pail of water with a drop of floor detergent. Same as above, a drop of detergent in a pail of water will not get rid of the dirt and dust on the floor.

- Washing the dishes and cups as soon as you are done eating and drinking will be good, unless you are intending to breed more cockroaches, ants and lizards as pets and sell them for a profit, which I doubt will be a feasible investment.

- When you drop food or drinks on the floor, it does not mean it stays there. Although we have an automatic mobile vacuum cleaner (yes thats my Elfie), it does not mean that the floor will be clean after he licks/eat it.

- When you hang the laundry, you have to make sure that the piece of clothe is well spread out so it can dry thoroughly. We have 6 bamboos to hang our laundry, so you do not have to try and save space by overlapping the clothes.

You are my mum. I will always love you.

To my boss:

- We can multitask, but we cannot do our work and at the same time stand there and listen to you 'talk', and expect the work to be done.

- We can take initiative, but we do not know what your initiative is, so you will have to tell us. Your initiative is our initiative, but our initiative may not be your initiative. (Will this be too difficult for you to understand?)

- I can help you re-organize, but please tell me what you think is organized, and I will do it according to what you think is best.

- My 5 minutes is 5 minutes; Your 5 minutes is my 1 hour.

You are the boss, you are always right.

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