Wednesday, February 21, 2007

BBQ at Godma-I house

Yesterday, I brought Elfie for his doggie gathering at Godma-I’s house – BBQ!

I was supposed to bring Marshmallow, Sweet Potatoes, and Sweet Corn, but I decided not to buy the Marshmallows, because I am the only one who LOVES them. But then, turned out Godma-I bought a small pack (just for me *grin*).

Oh, I found out that the Cold Storage at Holland V opens throughout CNY. So for those who needs something urgently, you can go there for your last minute grocery shopping in future.

We started quite early… about 6.30, the fire was already going very strong, thanks to Godma-I’s father-in-law. The pit was next to the pool, so there were lots of kids playing and swimming around there. Some of them were attracted by the dogs – Elfie, Sox, Cotton, Winky, Whisper, Butter, Chopsticks (5 malteses, 1 Shih Tzu, and 1 Pomeranian).

Elfie made a joke of himself. He has always not been a fan of swimming. Whenever we bring him to Sentosa, he entertained himself by running about in the sand, but never will he go near the water. But this time, he kaypoh kaypoh at the pool. He was amused by a man swimming freestyle, and was trying to follow him by walking along the edges of the pool. He walked along the edges carefully. Then he reached the edge of 2 pools, which were very near to each other, and when he tried to do a U-turn, he dropped into one of the pools! Ahahaha! He was swimming for his dear life, whilst still on leash! I was laughing very hard, and at the same time, trying to pull him up from the pool with the leash I was still holding on to.

A wet Elfie

The husband and wife - Sox and Cotton
A lady-like Whisper

A sweet sweet Winky

A very cute Butter

Delicious beef roll prepared by Godma-I and hubby!

Its Whisper's and Winky's birthday celebration too!


I think... I ate too much... In Taipei, and during CNY... I feel so bloated, and so indigested...

Everytime I eat a piece of Bak Gwa or pineapple tart, and Elfie will look at me hopefully. Everytime I will tell him ‘No, this is not for you.’ a few times, before he gives up hope and lie down looking at me with those eat-la-eat-la-eat-till-you-get-fat-fat look.

And now, I can feel the after-effect of eating so much. My pants and shorts that were loose when I bought them, are now T.I.G.H.T. Help me! I need to diet!

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