And here is Bubble’s workstation, right behind mine… We are both quite neat la huh? Hahahaha

It’s a boring boring day, plus I don’t feel like working today… Hell, I don’t feel like working everyday can? Someone up there, please bless me to strike Toto first prize this week! And I want it all by myself, no sharing ok! Then I will Q.U.I.T.! And do what I like. Travel. Bring my mum to where she wants to go. Go where I want to go. Get a companion for Elfie baby. I know he is lonely at home all the time. Invest in some business with Bubbles and JB-ren (If they are interested la). Write a book. Yes I know I cant fucking write anything interesting, neither do I write very well, but WTF, I LIKE OK! Who cares if no one buys my books? I strike Toto what! I can even use a one hundred dollar note to wipe my ass if I like hahahahah…. All this is IF I strike Toto la…. Sigh…
Oooops! I think I am too vulgar. Better tone down abit.
Ok, so if I really strike Toto, what do I really want to do? Let me have a serious thought about it. If not I will feel very lost and insecure if I really strike. Hahahaha!
Whats the prize? *Quickly check the Singapore Pools webbie* S$1.5M! Ok. That should be quite sufficient for me! After deduct all the taxes and whatever, I think still got $1M ba. Ok, lets estimate based on $1M.
First I will get a roof over my head. No need too big kind. Maybe a one bedroom apartment. That will be how much? Half a million? Ok. I have half a million left. I think I should get another HDB flat, maybe a 3-room flat in a popular area, and rent it out. Earn the rent. That will be another $400,000? No, then I shall stay in the 3-room flat and rent the apartment. Lidat can get higher rent right?
Wahlau, then I will only have $100,000 left! Shit! Why is property so damn expensive here? Although the above is just a rough guide, but I think the numbers are close enough. Shit! What can I do with $100,000? Ok la, still can travel to some places. I know Mum wants to go Melbourne (to Yan-jeje place), Texas (to cat kaofu place), to London (Pek jeje place), to Hong Kong (cos she asked me recently). I think I can still afford to bring her to these places la.
Sorry Bubbles and JB-ren. No more money to invest in your businesses! Ahahahaha! And I think I will still have to slog for another 20 years before I can retire. SIGH……..
Oh, and I think I can still afford to get Elfie a companion. Male or female doesn’t matter la, cos I will spay them both anyway hahahaha. But I am afraid I will be biased. Cos I love my boy very much now. What if I love No.2 less? Or, what if I love Elfie less? Either scenario is not good. Sigh…
Elfie is soooo cute! I can never get sick of playing with him. Yes he is stubborn and playful. And he hates to bathe hahahaha. But sometimes he knows something is wrong, he will warn you. Oh, I think I did not blog about this before! Must tell!
Last week, I was warming up something in a claypot, and I TOTALLY forgot about it! Still happily chatting on MSN and surfing FP. I did smell something, and I still thought ‘KNN! Which house burnt their dinner?’ Elfie became very funny. He kept pawing me. I thought he wanted to get up on the couch, so I carried him up. But he pawed me again. I thought he wanted to get down, so carried him down. Then again. I cuddled him and asked him ‘Why? Whats wrong baby?’. Of cos he couldn’t answer me la. Then I went into the kitchen AND I SAW IT!!! I saw the pot and I remembered I was heating it up! I quickly turned off the fire and when I opened the lid, WAHKAU! The contents were all BLACK man! If I discovered it a tad bit later, I think they would have started to burn. Then maybe I wouldn’t be here blogging away anymore…..
Thanks Elfie baby! You saved my life!!!! Mucks!!!
I love the way Elfie flips his ‘hair’ when his fur was longer. Like a chio bu! Hahaha! But then, he is also a messy dog. He loves to go to corners and stuff his head there for dunno what! And end up getting black and dirty all the time. Worse, he likes to get wet in the bathroom then stuff his head into corners! Make sure the dirt stays on his head! Pity his mummy me! Have to bath him twice a week! And it is always my turn to bathe after that, cos he gets me all wet! Ahahaha! Sounds provocative huh!
Here is a photo of him when he had longer fur.

And here is one of him now. Botak! Hahahaha!

I LOVE Elfie!

It’s a boring boring day, plus I don’t feel like working today… Hell, I don’t feel like working everyday can? Someone up there, please bless me to strike Toto first prize this week! And I want it all by myself, no sharing ok! Then I will Q.U.I.T.! And do what I like. Travel. Bring my mum to where she wants to go. Go where I want to go. Get a companion for Elfie baby. I know he is lonely at home all the time. Invest in some business with Bubbles and JB-ren (If they are interested la). Write a book. Yes I know I cant fucking write anything interesting, neither do I write very well, but WTF, I LIKE OK! Who cares if no one buys my books? I strike Toto what! I can even use a one hundred dollar note to wipe my ass if I like hahahahah…. All this is IF I strike Toto la…. Sigh…
Oooops! I think I am too vulgar. Better tone down abit.
Ok, so if I really strike Toto, what do I really want to do? Let me have a serious thought about it. If not I will feel very lost and insecure if I really strike. Hahahaha!
Whats the prize? *Quickly check the Singapore Pools webbie* S$1.5M! Ok. That should be quite sufficient for me! After deduct all the taxes and whatever, I think still got $1M ba. Ok, lets estimate based on $1M.
First I will get a roof over my head. No need too big kind. Maybe a one bedroom apartment. That will be how much? Half a million? Ok. I have half a million left. I think I should get another HDB flat, maybe a 3-room flat in a popular area, and rent it out. Earn the rent. That will be another $400,000? No, then I shall stay in the 3-room flat and rent the apartment. Lidat can get higher rent right?
Wahlau, then I will only have $100,000 left! Shit! Why is property so damn expensive here? Although the above is just a rough guide, but I think the numbers are close enough. Shit! What can I do with $100,000? Ok la, still can travel to some places. I know Mum wants to go Melbourne (to Yan-jeje place), Texas (to cat kaofu place), to London (Pek jeje place), to Hong Kong (cos she asked me recently). I think I can still afford to bring her to these places la.
Sorry Bubbles and JB-ren. No more money to invest in your businesses! Ahahahaha! And I think I will still have to slog for another 20 years before I can retire. SIGH……..
Oh, and I think I can still afford to get Elfie a companion. Male or female doesn’t matter la, cos I will spay them both anyway hahahaha. But I am afraid I will be biased. Cos I love my boy very much now. What if I love No.2 less? Or, what if I love Elfie less? Either scenario is not good. Sigh…
Elfie is soooo cute! I can never get sick of playing with him. Yes he is stubborn and playful. And he hates to bathe hahahaha. But sometimes he knows something is wrong, he will warn you. Oh, I think I did not blog about this before! Must tell!
Last week, I was warming up something in a claypot, and I TOTALLY forgot about it! Still happily chatting on MSN and surfing FP. I did smell something, and I still thought ‘KNN! Which house burnt their dinner?’ Elfie became very funny. He kept pawing me. I thought he wanted to get up on the couch, so I carried him up. But he pawed me again. I thought he wanted to get down, so carried him down. Then again. I cuddled him and asked him ‘Why? Whats wrong baby?’. Of cos he couldn’t answer me la. Then I went into the kitchen AND I SAW IT!!! I saw the pot and I remembered I was heating it up! I quickly turned off the fire and when I opened the lid, WAHKAU! The contents were all BLACK man! If I discovered it a tad bit later, I think they would have started to burn. Then maybe I wouldn’t be here blogging away anymore…..
Thanks Elfie baby! You saved my life!!!! Mucks!!!
I love the way Elfie flips his ‘hair’ when his fur was longer. Like a chio bu! Hahaha! But then, he is also a messy dog. He loves to go to corners and stuff his head there for dunno what! And end up getting black and dirty all the time. Worse, he likes to get wet in the bathroom then stuff his head into corners! Make sure the dirt stays on his head! Pity his mummy me! Have to bath him twice a week! And it is always my turn to bathe after that, cos he gets me all wet! Ahahaha! Sounds provocative huh!
Here is a photo of him when he had longer fur.

And here is one of him now. Botak! Hahahaha!

I LOVE Elfie!
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