The weekend was one of lazing around and surfing the net. Saturday morning was spent on Sentosa. Actually only 1 hour la… Cos my hyper dog ran and ran till he was tired for the 1st 15min and he spent the other 45 min checking out GRs and lying on the sand. Me and my sis, not wanting to go into the waters or suntan, decided to bring him home.
On the way to Sentosa

It was an early barkday celebration for Elfie. I bought him a Strawberry Cream Cheese cake and an assortment of cookies from USDB. We did the usual sing-song-cut-cake thingy. Elfie was curious about the cake and kept sniffing at it, almost burning his nose doing it hahahaha. My mum was skeptical about eating the cake at first, but I managed to persuade to try it. Afterall, every ingredient is still, edible by human mah. Only thing was, it is much more bland than human cake, cos dogs aren’t allowed sugar. The smell of the cheese was rather overwhelming though… Overall, OOOOOK la…
Elfie's Strawberry Cream Cheese Cake!

Sunday was spent snoozing, VCD watching, and more snoozing. Typical lazy Sunday. Bubbles had lent me a couple of DVDs lately. I had borrowed from her to keep my mum entertained over the weekend I was in KL, BUT… the absent-minded-mind-only-in-KL me left them in the office…. So she only watched it after I came back. Mum had become smitten with Rain, the now popular Korean artiste. She had finished the series before me, and she watches it again every Sunday night on cable. I also bought another Taiwanese series, Bumped Off Lover, by Angela Zhang. Quite good. Abit draggy and boring in the beginning, but once the mystery started, it makes you want to keep watching. I had read a little about the storyline before, and was sort of anticipating what was going to happen next. I kept thinking, When is she going to die man… Its getting boring! Am I sadist?
Godma Irene baked Elfie a meatloaf and specially delivered it to my house. So sweet of her right? She even cut some carrots in the letters of Elfie’s name and arranged them nicely on the meatloaf. She really 有心.
Mum was craving for KFC. We wanted order for dinner last night. But when I called 62353535, the recorded message said : Thank you for calling KFC and Pizzahut. Sorry, all our operators are busy at the moment. Your call will be attended to in approximately 7 minutes. 7 minutes? Since when do people need to wait for 7 minutes to place an order for KFC or Pizzahut?? Ok, nevermind, my mum craving, so I WAIT. When I finally heard an live person saying something, I just said : I want to order KFC. And the gal made me more fed up by saying: Sorry, ma’am, due to overwhelming response, KFC is not delivering at this moment. We can take your order and you can collect at your nearest outlet, which is….. Bukit Merah. What the…. I told her no, and hung up. Ok… Its hereditary, me and mum are both too lazy to walk over to the central to buy or collect. So we both just settled for chai-bng downstairs.
Bubbles logged in to MSN at night. She was supposed to work, but had no mood to, so we started chatting. I told her I was getting desperate, how come got man go after her in batches, I don’t have?? I am not that bad what, right? Then she laughed and said I have built a wall around myself. Really? Maybe. ‘Bad experience’ I told her. Well, in an attempt to get more man to come after me. I decided that I should dress up more, make up more, and slim down more. Bubbles asked me what I am wearing on Friday (Oh we are celebrating her birthday + Gangster’s holiday back here + Gangster’s promotion + JB-ren’s promotion all together). I told her probably jeans and a top I feel beautiful in. Why the fuss? Bcos we are going to party again, after a long few years’ break! And to attract men, of cos must wear nice nice la.
Last Friday, I met up Ms HP and Teacher for dinner. We went to this Italian restaurant called Amxxx at HV. The ambience was quite good – quite cosy and romantic. The only minus points were the size of the restaurant and the smell. The whole place is quite small, so there is only a narrow walkway left for the waiters to walk around, quite squeezy. And the kitchen is not covered, so can imagine the smell that will linger on our hair, clothes body when we leave the place.
During dinner, I suddenly popped a question that startled Ms HP and Teacher. We were all trying to enjoy the meal when I just turned and asked HP: Ei, you got bf or not? She opened her eyes big big and say : NOooooooooooo. Teacher was laughing her head off. I quickly eaplained that the questioned was a prelude to my coming proposal: Join a matchmaking agency. I read from FP that there is one at Peace Center quite strict in their ‘selection’. But still, I quite shy to go alone lor… So hoping that HP can go with me. But she doesn’t seem to be kan chiong at all. Cool… Maybe I more deperate than her ba hahhhahaha…
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