I went for my check up at Raffles hospital on Saturday. My appointment was 1020am. By the time I reached the hospital, I was starving, cos I had to fast the night before for my blood tests. I quickly registered myself and waited for my name to be called. The place was crowded for a Saturday morning. Everyone comes for checkup on Saturdays? Finally after a long wait, my turn came. The nurse brought me into a room and told me 'I am going to take your blood sample for some tests. I nodded my head and tried to look cool. In actual fact, I was so damn scared of the needles! In the end, my fear betrayed me... I had to ask the nurse "Is it gonna be painful?" She smiled at me and said "Of course la. Just a bit only la" I believed her and scolded myself silently for acting silly... Its not my first time what! Whats there to be scared of??? I tried to distract myself by looking at other patients. But I could still feel the prick when she poked the needle into my vein. She filled one syringe full of my blood. Then she withdrew the syringe... And inserted another one to take more blood! And another one... and another one... and another one... In total she took 5 syringes of my blood.... OMG... I have lost so much blood in one morning... I thought I was going to faint... But I did not, of course... I went on for my eye test, ear examination, Breasts examination and PAP Smear. I very sua gu... Asked the doctor "Whats PAP Smear for har?" Its to check for cervical cancer. Dr Kwee is a nice lady. She tried to lighten the mood by making jokes out of everything. But still, when she asked me to remove my pants and undies for the PAP Smear, I was a little reserved and shy... Afterall, you dont always bare so much skin (especially 'down there') in front of a stranger, do you?
Last of the checkup was ECG and X-ray. After making an appointment for the review, I was free to go home.
I must say here: health is very very important. Without a healthy body, you cant enjoy anything at all, no matter how rich you are, how much time you have. Look at my father. He slogged for most of his life, wanting to save his money to enjoy life when he retires. He never made it. He suffered so much during his last days. I wish I could have borne the pain for him, but we all know that can never be done. Sometimes I wonder if it was ever my fault that he suffered so much... If I had not allowed them to operate on him that time, would he have lived longer? Suffered less pain? Enjoyed life longer? Fulfill his dream to tour China and other places? I will never ever know the answers to these questions. I can only make sure that I dont make the same mistake again. And let my mum enjoy while she is still healthy. That is why I never try to stop her from buying things, or playing mahjong, or going to the casino once in a while. Afterall, I know that she will not overdo it. If she enjoys doing those things, why deprive her of it? I am not cursing her, but much longer can she do all these things? Just let her be, as long as she is happy, and as long as it is within our limits.
Oh, after my checkup, I went home to get some rest before headinf for Sentosa with JB-ren. It was threatening to rain earlier, and it did rain, but just for a while. The sun came out afterward and we both were elated! Can still go to the beach. She came to fetch me and Elfie around 4plus. There were still so many cars going onto the island. But lucky for us, we still managed to grab seats. After settling down, I can feel the overwhelming heat... Maybe I am not used to getting so much sun after hiding in the shade for so long! hahaah... JB-ren was enjoying the sun... She even fell asleep... Ok.. dont listen to me la... When you get freckles and dry skin, dont complain hor... ;p Some photos of Sentosa. Very small I know, but I dont know how to make them bigger leh...
My New Sunglasses

Elfie keeps going to other people's chairs..
Dun give me the owner face!!
See? Everywhere but my chair!
He finally comes back
Cute Mickey Mouse brolly!
Many couples came for their photo shoot that day
Another couple... Please note the GR at the chair in front... he is eyeing Elfie...
Elfie no shame... Go give himself up to the GR
Both act cool
This couple sitting in front of me keeps acting intimately...
See what I mean? A Junk boat
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