Since I am not able to blog at home, I shall blog in the office ba... hehehhehe..
My comments on my MSN today were 'Time to pull up my socks'. Why did I put that? Bcos I feel that it is time to make the best of my decision to change job lor... Bubbles was right: I had accepted this job rather halfheartedly... Too eager to get out from my previous job... Maybe it was a little too rash, but well... since I am already here... Might as well give it my best shot right?
Yes, my boss may be a little hard to please (Or should I change it to 'very hard to please?;p) but all the more I should show I am competent and so able to take on a better role than to serve a woman who doesnt know what she wants most of the time right (ei, sounds like what I am now...But I am sure I wont make life difficult for others... I am too kind!!!! hahahaha) I have been thinking... Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life? Actually I do not mind, provided boss is nice hahahaha... And provided the work I am doing serves a purpose, not just printing and saving all those rubbish things... And everything has to be a secret... Not sure why the fuck it is so secretive, but that is the way I am 'trained' to work...
I want to complement my boss' work, be able to help when he/she needs it, be able to function or run the office even when he/she is not around. I am willing to learn... BUT... I think I have slacked over the years in my previous company. And I am not geared up yet. That is why I need to pull up my socks, la...
I am not a high flyer, nor am I aiming for any big titles or fat bonus (though that would be nice). I just want to do my work well and get paid for it. I prefer to be behind the scene, which is why I chose to be a PA/secretary. I do not like the limelight on me... I will blush ahahahahahaha... Thats true..
Bubbles, believe me. I will start pulling my socks up. Give me some time to gear up. I wont let you down (Cos Bubbles is the one who got me the job mah ;p)
Monday, July 31, 2006
I went for my check up at Raffles hospital on Saturday. My appointment was 1020am. By the time I reached the hospital, I was starving, cos I had to fast the night before for my blood tests. I quickly registered myself and waited for my name to be called. The place was crowded for a Saturday morning. Everyone comes for checkup on Saturdays? Finally after a long wait, my turn came. The nurse brought me into a room and told me 'I am going to take your blood sample for some tests. I nodded my head and tried to look cool. In actual fact, I was so damn scared of the needles! In the end, my fear betrayed me... I had to ask the nurse "Is it gonna be painful?" She smiled at me and said "Of course la. Just a bit only la" I believed her and scolded myself silently for acting silly... Its not my first time what! Whats there to be scared of??? I tried to distract myself by looking at other patients. But I could still feel the prick when she poked the needle into my vein. She filled one syringe full of my blood. Then she withdrew the syringe... And inserted another one to take more blood! And another one... and another one... and another one... In total she took 5 syringes of my blood.... OMG... I have lost so much blood in one morning... I thought I was going to faint... But I did not, of course... I went on for my eye test, ear examination, Breasts examination and PAP Smear. I very sua gu... Asked the doctor "Whats PAP Smear for har?" Its to check for cervical cancer. Dr Kwee is a nice lady. She tried to lighten the mood by making jokes out of everything. But still, when she asked me to remove my pants and undies for the PAP Smear, I was a little reserved and shy... Afterall, you dont always bare so much skin (especially 'down there') in front of a stranger, do you?
Last of the checkup was ECG and X-ray. After making an appointment for the review, I was free to go home.
I must say here: health is very very important. Without a healthy body, you cant enjoy anything at all, no matter how rich you are, how much time you have. Look at my father. He slogged for most of his life, wanting to save his money to enjoy life when he retires. He never made it. He suffered so much during his last days. I wish I could have borne the pain for him, but we all know that can never be done. Sometimes I wonder if it was ever my fault that he suffered so much... If I had not allowed them to operate on him that time, would he have lived longer? Suffered less pain? Enjoyed life longer? Fulfill his dream to tour China and other places? I will never ever know the answers to these questions. I can only make sure that I dont make the same mistake again. And let my mum enjoy while she is still healthy. That is why I never try to stop her from buying things, or playing mahjong, or going to the casino once in a while. Afterall, I know that she will not overdo it. If she enjoys doing those things, why deprive her of it? I am not cursing her, but much longer can she do all these things? Just let her be, as long as she is happy, and as long as it is within our limits.
Oh, after my checkup, I went home to get some rest before headinf for Sentosa with JB-ren. It was threatening to rain earlier, and it did rain, but just for a while. The sun came out afterward and we both were elated! Can still go to the beach. She came to fetch me and Elfie around 4plus. There were still so many cars going onto the island. But lucky for us, we still managed to grab seats. After settling down, I can feel the overwhelming heat... Maybe I am not used to getting so much sun after hiding in the shade for so long! hahaah... JB-ren was enjoying the sun... She even fell asleep... Ok.. dont listen to me la... When you get freckles and dry skin, dont complain hor... ;p Some photos of Sentosa. Very small I know, but I dont know how to make them bigger leh...
My New Sunglasses

Elfie keeps going to other people's chairs..
Dun give me the owner face!!
See? Everywhere but my chair!
He finally comes back
Cute Mickey Mouse brolly!
Many couples came for their photo shoot that day
Another couple... Please note the GR at the chair in front... he is eyeing Elfie...
Elfie no shame... Go give himself up to the GR
Both act cool
This couple sitting in front of me keeps acting intimately...
See what I mean? A Junk boat
Friday, July 28, 2006
Yesterday I scolded bad word... KNN..... For the first time in my life.... Yes I did... In the past, the worst I scolded was "fxxk", or "KNS", or "KL" (Kwai lan)... These considered bad word? ahahahahaha.... I shocked my dear friend cos she never expected to hear that from me... Tho it was over MSN that I said the 3 letter bad word(??)....
Perhaps it was the upbringing, I could never bring myself to scold anything vulgar... OK... KNN was the limit... Like LJ, or CB... I could never never make myself say it... Yes, write I can... cos I dun hear myself mah... hahahaha... But to say it out loud... I think I will need some serious training... If not no one will ever know that I am speaking vulgarity... Yes, come to think of it, I only say KNN, fxxk, or any vulgarity over MSN or Yahoo... never directly from my mouth... KNS... not considered la hor... hahaha....
I remembered how amused we were during secondary school when our form teacher told us that 'Ma De' was a bad word... To us, it is just maybe rude, but not a bad word... And our dear Gangster loved to say that when we were in sec school... So she got told off a few times when form teacher heard her... But she did not change, of cos... hahaha.... Still the same old Gangster we all know.... Tho now she is a little more cultured... I guess we all mature with age, and become more nonchalant to things that we used to think was so intolerable before...
But I seem to be going opposite direction... Cos nowadays I am less tolerant... Which leads to why I scolded KNN yesterday... Is it bcos also with age, we tend to be more prideful? So not able to take criticism or a few nasty remarks even though I know the person is just being nonsensical? Maybe...
I have been reading Esther's blog. She seems to be having a down period... Am I being affected by her? I think so... I think I should be reading happier stuff.... Esther... be strong (like I said in my email) Hang on there... Everything will turn out just fine...
Me, I just need to vent my frustration somewhere... Which is why I have been blogging like mad recently.... hahahaha... So please forgive me if you read any vulgarity here... Its just me letting out steam....
Perhaps it was the upbringing, I could never bring myself to scold anything vulgar... OK... KNN was the limit... Like LJ, or CB... I could never never make myself say it... Yes, write I can... cos I dun hear myself mah... hahahaha... But to say it out loud... I think I will need some serious training... If not no one will ever know that I am speaking vulgarity... Yes, come to think of it, I only say KNN, fxxk, or any vulgarity over MSN or Yahoo... never directly from my mouth... KNS... not considered la hor... hahaha....
I remembered how amused we were during secondary school when our form teacher told us that 'Ma De' was a bad word... To us, it is just maybe rude, but not a bad word... And our dear Gangster loved to say that when we were in sec school... So she got told off a few times when form teacher heard her... But she did not change, of cos... hahaha.... Still the same old Gangster we all know.... Tho now she is a little more cultured... I guess we all mature with age, and become more nonchalant to things that we used to think was so intolerable before...
But I seem to be going opposite direction... Cos nowadays I am less tolerant... Which leads to why I scolded KNN yesterday... Is it bcos also with age, we tend to be more prideful? So not able to take criticism or a few nasty remarks even though I know the person is just being nonsensical? Maybe...
I have been reading Esther's blog. She seems to be having a down period... Am I being affected by her? I think so... I think I should be reading happier stuff.... Esther... be strong (like I said in my email) Hang on there... Everything will turn out just fine...
Me, I just need to vent my frustration somewhere... Which is why I have been blogging like mad recently.... hahahaha... So please forgive me if you read any vulgarity here... Its just me letting out steam....
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Whats wrong with me.....
I hv become so impatient, so vulgur, so curt.. Whats wrong with me?? I m finding it hard to balance time between friends and family, and come on, I dont even hv a significant half yet... If you are complaining now, what will happen will I am attached next time with a normal man (as in someone who can be with me any time of the week, not just mondays and wednesdays)? M I wrong to want to spend more time with my mum? M I wrong to want to be a responsible mum to my dog? M I wrong to keep in touch with my other friends? M I wrong not to be at your beck and call? Sigh....
I used to be more accommodating, more patient... Nowadays, I m so short fused... so emotional... so easily frustrated.....
Is it bcos u tend to take for granted what u used to hv access to so easily? So when u dont hv it anymore u become defensive? Or is it bcos I take for granted that u will understand my position? So when u dont, I get frustrated...
Maybe its just me... PMS... Post, not pre... Sigh.....
I used to be more accommodating, more patient... Nowadays, I m so short fused... so emotional... so easily frustrated.....
Is it bcos u tend to take for granted what u used to hv access to so easily? So when u dont hv it anymore u become defensive? Or is it bcos I take for granted that u will understand my position? So when u dont, I get frustrated...
Maybe its just me... PMS... Post, not pre... Sigh.....
I feel so disorganized now... Can someone help me organize it abit pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease???
Empty.... Lost....
I have been feeling a little empty recently... Yes that was the word used by Jenn not too long ago... Now I am feeling it myself... Is it bcos of loneliness? Bcos I just ended a relationship that no one (even myself) seemed to approve of? Bcos I hv no idea what I want in life? Dunno... Maybe..
Since young, I have been living in other people's shadow... I am always whose sister, whose cousin... never myself... My siblings have always performed well in school... always top 3 or at least top 5... Appointed monitress/monitors or prefects... I am nothing... Even in sports, I cant excel... Plus the fact that parents, you know how they always like to compare their kids... results, sports, hobbies, looks, health, everything... name it and they can tell you who who who did better.... I guess thats why I am always so painfully shy and reserved when I was younger.... Not that I want to be... But bcos I have nothing to be proud about...
As I grew up, I tend to open myself more... I cant remember what made me change... Maybe I just woke up one day and decided to heck care about the world and get on with my own life... I took up my degree course, wanting to widen my horizon... It did, I must say... It changed my point of view of many things... But alas, it also changed my whole life bcos thats where I met Jerk... That was my first real 'love'... Can it be called love? Or was it plain infatuation? One sided? Otherwise why would I feel that it has always been me who gave in, sacrificed, and made effort to make it work? Up to this day, I still feel that way. Maybe I tried too hard... I cannot put the blame totally on him... I admit that I am at fault too... For spoiling him too much... making him feel that it is ok to treat someone (me) the way he did... portraying the image that I can conjure momey from nowhere and just give it to him.... pretending that a life lost is nothing to me... Lucky for me, I have trained myself to be happy-go-lucky, optimistic... If not, I think i would have left this world long ago.... It made me stronger... Gave me higher resistance to being hurt...
I spent 5 precious years on him... Waking up only when it is a little too late... But its ok... Better late than never, they say (Now, who is the 'they'????) Its just that, when, when will I be able to meet that someone who will appreciate me, love me, care for me? I am looking real forward to meeting him (or it could be a 'her' hahahahahahhaha). Will I ever?
Am I wasting my time? Sometimes I feel I am... Should I be doing something more fulfilling, rather than sit and be pretty as a secretary here? I think I am not doing a good job, seriously... I have been taking it easy all these time... No wonder my boss is not too happy with me (Yes I can feel it) ... Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life? If not, what is it that I want???? I seriously dont know man.... Can someone help me answer this question!!!!?
In any case, I think I better buck up!!!! No matter what job it is, just give it my best shot, right? As long as I do my job well, my conscience is clear, I have nothing to be afraid of, right? Right!
Even now, it is not too late for me to start pulling my socks, appreciating life, pamper myself, pamper my mum, pamper my friends who love me for who I am... Yes I have started (not bucking up, but appreciating life and pampering myself hahahahaha).. I have signed up for a facial package (damn heartpain now) ... Bought several new pieces of clothings.... Signed up for yoga (and I dont think its sufficient... I am gonna sign up Amore... soon), brought my mum out a few times... Tho now she is richer than me, so she pays for most things.... Oh yes, my resolution is to clear all my debts by year end... (So maybe I shld stop spending now???) Hell.... why should I be paying all these??? Gimme back my money you jerk! Adding up the loans I lent you and the hp bills I paid for you over the 2 years (and thats after we broke up, not counting the years we were 'together'), You owe me a total of SGD10000. That is just a rough figure, but its ok... Just pay me back that!!!!
As if he will read this... sigh... Ok... I admit I have been a spendthrift (is that right??) and If I had been more disciplined, I would have cleared my debts long ago... But I am just not justified why I have to suffer in silence and pay the money I have not spent... So I keep spending to justify that point... Whats the point? Owing money is owing money... SOOOO... No more signing credit cards for me... No more pampering myself till I clear my debts (But I think I have covered myself enough... facial, manipedi, massage.... what else can I ask for? hahaha).... No more expensive restaurants....
Pls control me when you see the gleam in my eyes... That means I am ready to take out my wallet and start spending money again... You, yes you!!!! Cos you are probably the only one reading my blog... Ahahahahahaha.... You know who you are...
Since young, I have been living in other people's shadow... I am always whose sister, whose cousin... never myself... My siblings have always performed well in school... always top 3 or at least top 5... Appointed monitress/monitors or prefects... I am nothing... Even in sports, I cant excel... Plus the fact that parents, you know how they always like to compare their kids... results, sports, hobbies, looks, health, everything... name it and they can tell you who who who did better.... I guess thats why I am always so painfully shy and reserved when I was younger.... Not that I want to be... But bcos I have nothing to be proud about...
As I grew up, I tend to open myself more... I cant remember what made me change... Maybe I just woke up one day and decided to heck care about the world and get on with my own life... I took up my degree course, wanting to widen my horizon... It did, I must say... It changed my point of view of many things... But alas, it also changed my whole life bcos thats where I met Jerk... That was my first real 'love'... Can it be called love? Or was it plain infatuation? One sided? Otherwise why would I feel that it has always been me who gave in, sacrificed, and made effort to make it work? Up to this day, I still feel that way. Maybe I tried too hard... I cannot put the blame totally on him... I admit that I am at fault too... For spoiling him too much... making him feel that it is ok to treat someone (me) the way he did... portraying the image that I can conjure momey from nowhere and just give it to him.... pretending that a life lost is nothing to me... Lucky for me, I have trained myself to be happy-go-lucky, optimistic... If not, I think i would have left this world long ago.... It made me stronger... Gave me higher resistance to being hurt...
I spent 5 precious years on him... Waking up only when it is a little too late... But its ok... Better late than never, they say (Now, who is the 'they'????) Its just that, when, when will I be able to meet that someone who will appreciate me, love me, care for me? I am looking real forward to meeting him (or it could be a 'her' hahahahahahhaha). Will I ever?
Am I wasting my time? Sometimes I feel I am... Should I be doing something more fulfilling, rather than sit and be pretty as a secretary here? I think I am not doing a good job, seriously... I have been taking it easy all these time... No wonder my boss is not too happy with me (Yes I can feel it) ... Do I really want to do this for the rest of my life? If not, what is it that I want???? I seriously dont know man.... Can someone help me answer this question!!!!?
In any case, I think I better buck up!!!! No matter what job it is, just give it my best shot, right? As long as I do my job well, my conscience is clear, I have nothing to be afraid of, right? Right!
Even now, it is not too late for me to start pulling my socks, appreciating life, pamper myself, pamper my mum, pamper my friends who love me for who I am... Yes I have started (not bucking up, but appreciating life and pampering myself hahahahaha).. I have signed up for a facial package (damn heartpain now) ... Bought several new pieces of clothings.... Signed up for yoga (and I dont think its sufficient... I am gonna sign up Amore... soon), brought my mum out a few times... Tho now she is richer than me, so she pays for most things.... Oh yes, my resolution is to clear all my debts by year end... (So maybe I shld stop spending now???) Hell.... why should I be paying all these??? Gimme back my money you jerk! Adding up the loans I lent you and the hp bills I paid for you over the 2 years (and thats after we broke up, not counting the years we were 'together'), You owe me a total of SGD10000. That is just a rough figure, but its ok... Just pay me back that!!!!
As if he will read this... sigh... Ok... I admit I have been a spendthrift (is that right??) and If I had been more disciplined, I would have cleared my debts long ago... But I am just not justified why I have to suffer in silence and pay the money I have not spent... So I keep spending to justify that point... Whats the point? Owing money is owing money... SOOOO... No more signing credit cards for me... No more pampering myself till I clear my debts (But I think I have covered myself enough... facial, manipedi, massage.... what else can I ask for? hahaha).... No more expensive restaurants....
Pls control me when you see the gleam in my eyes... That means I am ready to take out my wallet and start spending money again... You, yes you!!!! Cos you are probably the only one reading my blog... Ahahahahahaha.... You know who you are...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Some fotos of my boy!
Cotton's party! See how I hv to hold him so high so he will stop squirming...

Sitting in a Taxi on the way to irene's house
Looking out the window of the taxi... he loves watching the world go by... haha
Cotton's party also... what is he staring at????

This is the stubborn look he always give me... and I always give in...

I cant help but blog this... bcos i want to remember this event...
I told bubbles yesterday about my nitemare the nite before... i dreamt about a female ghost in my house... usually i m ok about it... but the fact that i am all alone in the house these few days plus hungry ghost festival is just around the corner (in fact today is THE day) makes me feel damn scared about it... i mean, y do i hv to dream abt that now... and i relle jumped when i dreamt abt that... and in my mind was the scene i saw 'her', nothing else i can remember....
bubbles said it might be bcos the HGF is coming so tend to be more prone to such dreams... or it may be someone close who hv passed away taking the form of 'her' to convey some message (????!!) I gave her a slightly hard push (and I feel guilty abt it) and told her not to scare me... she quickly tried to make me feel better by saying its probably nothing la... and she asked if I wanted to get Jenn to accompany me at nite...
I tried to get the memory out of my mind for the rest of the day... after i reached home... i tried to get myself busy... cook for my boy... watched tv... read my book... tried to do some scrapbooking.... and when i was almost ready to get into bed... i had a call at 10.30pm... it was bubbles... asking how i m... m i sleeping soon... told me i could call her anytime if i felt like it... her hp will be on 24 hours... i was so touched to get that call... i mean... normally people will just forget abt it after u tell them... but she actually remembered and bothered to call to check on me at nite... how sweet of her!
There is a tendency to always remember how people has been nasty to u, but u forget easily how that person has been nice to u... How sad... That is y I want to blog this.. So that in years to come, I will always remember how this dear friend of mine had been so nice and sweet to me... I want to learn to appreciate people around me more... Like my mum... I know I hv not been a good daughter... I know I hv been throwing tantrums and giving u a black face when i feel shitty... and now i feel shitty abt that... I will try to be a good daughter from now on... I know its easy to say, but I will TRY my very best not to shout at you... not to show u my mood swings anymore...
Mummy, I love u!
Ei, how did it get to my mummy??? Bubbles, I love u too! And everyone else out there, I love u too!!!
I told bubbles yesterday about my nitemare the nite before... i dreamt about a female ghost in my house... usually i m ok about it... but the fact that i am all alone in the house these few days plus hungry ghost festival is just around the corner (in fact today is THE day) makes me feel damn scared about it... i mean, y do i hv to dream abt that now... and i relle jumped when i dreamt abt that... and in my mind was the scene i saw 'her', nothing else i can remember....
bubbles said it might be bcos the HGF is coming so tend to be more prone to such dreams... or it may be someone close who hv passed away taking the form of 'her' to convey some message (????!!) I gave her a slightly hard push (and I feel guilty abt it) and told her not to scare me... she quickly tried to make me feel better by saying its probably nothing la... and she asked if I wanted to get Jenn to accompany me at nite...
I tried to get the memory out of my mind for the rest of the day... after i reached home... i tried to get myself busy... cook for my boy... watched tv... read my book... tried to do some scrapbooking.... and when i was almost ready to get into bed... i had a call at 10.30pm... it was bubbles... asking how i m... m i sleeping soon... told me i could call her anytime if i felt like it... her hp will be on 24 hours... i was so touched to get that call... i mean... normally people will just forget abt it after u tell them... but she actually remembered and bothered to call to check on me at nite... how sweet of her!
There is a tendency to always remember how people has been nasty to u, but u forget easily how that person has been nice to u... How sad... That is y I want to blog this.. So that in years to come, I will always remember how this dear friend of mine had been so nice and sweet to me... I want to learn to appreciate people around me more... Like my mum... I know I hv not been a good daughter... I know I hv been throwing tantrums and giving u a black face when i feel shitty... and now i feel shitty abt that... I will try to be a good daughter from now on... I know its easy to say, but I will TRY my very best not to shout at you... not to show u my mood swings anymore...
Mummy, I love u!
Ei, how did it get to my mummy??? Bubbles, I love u too! And everyone else out there, I love u too!!!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Mr Roach
wah today i blog so much leh.... no choice.... bubbles is my 'protector'... i cant repay her kindness so hv to blog to keep her entertained.... wahahahahahahah
ok... so the topic now is abt Mr Roach... I must hv owed him alot in my past life... thats y he keeps appearing to scare me out of my wits all the time in this life... I hv absolutely no idea y i m so terrified of him... I honestly dun relle judge pple by their looks... but... for Mr Roach, I relle cannot stand him lor... The sight of him makes me run a mile!!!
Imagine his creepy hairy legs on mine... i wanna scream and puke at the same time..... i cannot take it lor... y always come and target me?? y always me????? i m the one who kenna in my pants... kenna climb onto leg at nite, kenna in the bathroom... kenna everywhere... y? y? y?
wah the pants incident relle freaked me out lor... i relle cant imagine how it got there in the first place... the story goes like this:
i was bathing one morning.... without my glasses or lens of cos.. then i caught a glimpse of something 'walking' on the window sill of the bathroom... somehow i knew it was him... i quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped myself and grabbed my glasses and baygon and dashed back into the bathroom... looked everywhere, every corner and hole in the bathroom but couldnt find him anywhere... i spent like 15min looking for him... to no avail... i gave up... continued bathing, at the same time keeping my eyes wide open... till the moment i stepped out from my house, i did not see him anymore... i took the bus to the mrt station, took the train to my office, switched on my PC, went to the pantry to get water... then i felt it! something was squirming in my jeans! Irkssssssss!!!!! i thod i imagined it.. so i stayed still for a second... then it squirmed again... i threw my bottle into the sink, did a 100m sprint to the toilet... unzipped my pants... and out fell my Roach... YUCKS!!!!! how long did it stay there and HOW IN THE FIRST PLACE DID IT GET INTO MY JEANS?????? i checked all over my body and shook out all my colthes before putting them on again to make sure that NOTHING was left inside....
yes i know that was a grosque story, but its true... from then onwards, i made sure i shake out every single pc of my clothings - undergarments, jeans, pants, shirts, tops, skirts... before i put them on... NO MORE ROACHES ON MY BODY PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
just ytd... i was mopping the kitchen floor... happily mopping away till i dipped the mop under the cabinet and out came a roach... not alive (heng ah!!!) but dead... quite dried up... i remembered him... cos i killed him... (yes i m a murderer, sue me!) but i couldnt find or see his body after that so i did not destroy the evidence... that was quite a few weeks back... gosh how long did he lay there... i jumped when i saw him... even tho he is already dead... what shld i do... i stared at him for a whole 10 min before i moved... just to make sure that he is relle dead (yes i hv dealt with some roaches that pretend to be dead but when u try to sweep they become alive again),... what shld i do with the body? i tried to sweep it into the dustpan and dump it into the bin... but even tho the broom was like a metre long... i still didnt dare to go near him and sweep him away... i used scotch tape and stuck it to the end of the bamboo stick we use to hang our clothes (that is relle long) and tried to 'stick' the body... but that didnt work... i did think of vaccuuming it... but the thod of the body still in the house makes me uneasy... in the end... out of no choice... i vaccuumed it... come to think of it, must remember to tell bro to empty the bag when he comes back from KL....
pls Mr Roach, i dont want to hv anymore to do with u... stay away from me pls!!!!!
ok... so the topic now is abt Mr Roach... I must hv owed him alot in my past life... thats y he keeps appearing to scare me out of my wits all the time in this life... I hv absolutely no idea y i m so terrified of him... I honestly dun relle judge pple by their looks... but... for Mr Roach, I relle cannot stand him lor... The sight of him makes me run a mile!!!
Imagine his creepy hairy legs on mine... i wanna scream and puke at the same time..... i cannot take it lor... y always come and target me?? y always me????? i m the one who kenna in my pants... kenna climb onto leg at nite, kenna in the bathroom... kenna everywhere... y? y? y?
wah the pants incident relle freaked me out lor... i relle cant imagine how it got there in the first place... the story goes like this:
i was bathing one morning.... without my glasses or lens of cos.. then i caught a glimpse of something 'walking' on the window sill of the bathroom... somehow i knew it was him... i quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped myself and grabbed my glasses and baygon and dashed back into the bathroom... looked everywhere, every corner and hole in the bathroom but couldnt find him anywhere... i spent like 15min looking for him... to no avail... i gave up... continued bathing, at the same time keeping my eyes wide open... till the moment i stepped out from my house, i did not see him anymore... i took the bus to the mrt station, took the train to my office, switched on my PC, went to the pantry to get water... then i felt it! something was squirming in my jeans! Irkssssssss!!!!! i thod i imagined it.. so i stayed still for a second... then it squirmed again... i threw my bottle into the sink, did a 100m sprint to the toilet... unzipped my pants... and out fell my Roach... YUCKS!!!!! how long did it stay there and HOW IN THE FIRST PLACE DID IT GET INTO MY JEANS?????? i checked all over my body and shook out all my colthes before putting them on again to make sure that NOTHING was left inside....
yes i know that was a grosque story, but its true... from then onwards, i made sure i shake out every single pc of my clothings - undergarments, jeans, pants, shirts, tops, skirts... before i put them on... NO MORE ROACHES ON MY BODY PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
just ytd... i was mopping the kitchen floor... happily mopping away till i dipped the mop under the cabinet and out came a roach... not alive (heng ah!!!) but dead... quite dried up... i remembered him... cos i killed him... (yes i m a murderer, sue me!) but i couldnt find or see his body after that so i did not destroy the evidence... that was quite a few weeks back... gosh how long did he lay there... i jumped when i saw him... even tho he is already dead... what shld i do... i stared at him for a whole 10 min before i moved... just to make sure that he is relle dead (yes i hv dealt with some roaches that pretend to be dead but when u try to sweep they become alive again),... what shld i do with the body? i tried to sweep it into the dustpan and dump it into the bin... but even tho the broom was like a metre long... i still didnt dare to go near him and sweep him away... i used scotch tape and stuck it to the end of the bamboo stick we use to hang our clothes (that is relle long) and tried to 'stick' the body... but that didnt work... i did think of vaccuuming it... but the thod of the body still in the house makes me uneasy... in the end... out of no choice... i vaccuumed it... come to think of it, must remember to tell bro to empty the bag when he comes back from KL....
pls Mr Roach, i dont want to hv anymore to do with u... stay away from me pls!!!!!
wah.. i very stressed wor... cos my fren bubbles is bored... and she asked me if i hv anything for her to read... so means i hv to keep blogging the whole day today lor... heng she going back early.. cos she travelling tmw mah... and she hero haven pack yet... so can go home early to pack lor...
let me introduce my fren bubbles a little... she is a very long time fren of mine... since we were thirteen... sec one classmates lor.... counting back... wah... we oredi frens for so long oredi!!! that doesnt mean we r old tho... put it this way, we started very young... ahahahah....
actually, we were not very close in sec one... tho we claim to be the 'ten sisters' (who on earth in this century still calls themselves that???) but not everyone is close to everyone... like for me then, i was close to the 'gangster', Jenn, and thats about it... i was rather shy then mah (i m still shy now)... did not relle open up to alot of pple.... only when i was doing my degree then i started to be more vocal...
we sort of drifted apart when i was in poly, cos i sort of felt left out... everyone went to JCs then, only me in poly... so i was like, feeling i dont fit in... so i delibrately did not join in most of their gatherings... but after that, heck la... i m not so badly educated also mah... my england also quite powderful mah... can communicate can oredi lor.... so i joined back (hmmm.... come to think of it, my england relle powderful hahahaha)
then i started sharing more... get to know them more... that was i was 24 oredi... sigh... abit late but still not too late to get to know all my sisters... i m glad that i hv them... yes sometimes we may not hv the time for one another... but when someone is in need (of companionship or anything else) usually we give readily... yes, we may not agree with some things some of us do sometimes... but like what kazua (cockroach) said (and i always remember what she said): we accept pple as they r, good point and shortcomings included, and dont expect them to change just bcos u dun like it. i hv my own shortcomings: short and quick tempered, sometimes painfully shy become anti-social... but they all accept me as who and what i am... so i shall do the same...
bubbles always say that i m a 'weak' gal... always need 'protection'... maybe ba.. ahhahaha... but how come the guys never come to help me leh... i not pretty enuf isit isit? ok.. then i shall be sexy hahahahahahahahahah
so far, i hv been well 'protected' by my family and frens, that i hv to admit.... i m damn lucky... if there is relle a god, pls let me be lucky for the rest of my life... amen
let me introduce my fren bubbles a little... she is a very long time fren of mine... since we were thirteen... sec one classmates lor.... counting back... wah... we oredi frens for so long oredi!!! that doesnt mean we r old tho... put it this way, we started very young... ahahahah....
actually, we were not very close in sec one... tho we claim to be the 'ten sisters' (who on earth in this century still calls themselves that???) but not everyone is close to everyone... like for me then, i was close to the 'gangster', Jenn, and thats about it... i was rather shy then mah (i m still shy now)... did not relle open up to alot of pple.... only when i was doing my degree then i started to be more vocal...
we sort of drifted apart when i was in poly, cos i sort of felt left out... everyone went to JCs then, only me in poly... so i was like, feeling i dont fit in... so i delibrately did not join in most of their gatherings... but after that, heck la... i m not so badly educated also mah... my england also quite powderful mah... can communicate can oredi lor.... so i joined back (hmmm.... come to think of it, my england relle powderful hahahaha)
then i started sharing more... get to know them more... that was i was 24 oredi... sigh... abit late but still not too late to get to know all my sisters... i m glad that i hv them... yes sometimes we may not hv the time for one another... but when someone is in need (of companionship or anything else) usually we give readily... yes, we may not agree with some things some of us do sometimes... but like what kazua (cockroach) said (and i always remember what she said): we accept pple as they r, good point and shortcomings included, and dont expect them to change just bcos u dun like it. i hv my own shortcomings: short and quick tempered, sometimes painfully shy become anti-social... but they all accept me as who and what i am... so i shall do the same...
bubbles always say that i m a 'weak' gal... always need 'protection'... maybe ba.. ahhahaha... but how come the guys never come to help me leh... i not pretty enuf isit isit? ok.. then i shall be sexy hahahahahahahahahah
so far, i hv been well 'protected' by my family and frens, that i hv to admit.... i m damn lucky... if there is relle a god, pls let me be lucky for the rest of my life... amen
bubbles bubbles
Bubbles said I shld change to this... cos dun hv to log in and everyone can see... ahaha... ok lor.. just to make her happy lor...
Did i mention that she tried to set us up with her friend ytd? oh ya i think i did mention briefly the other side (what other side... hahaha) well... he is a nice guy la... jenn and me remembered him as very tall... chatty... not as bad looking as bubbles described him to be hahaha.... complexion not very good lor... but he guy mah... ok la.. my complexion good can liao.. ahahaha.... pui pui pui... dun be proud... wait breakout... (touch wood!)
i told bubbles frankly that i feel he is not ready to start a r/ship cos of his coming posting to Taipei... maybe he scared long distant r/ship wun last... maybe lor... but then, it doesnt hurt to make a new friend... next time go taipei got free accommodation! wahahahaha....
actually not every long distant r/ship wun last... like my other one... actually it could hv lasted if things were different in the first place.... i did not mind the distance... and dun think he did (since i was the one travelling to him all the time @X!$) Maybe both of us are too conscious... of the consequences if we continued... Tho i did not mind... but i guess he felt guilty... both to me and the other side (other side again?!) well... things are fine now... i m happy with our status now... friends, buddies... and i can always get a free good meal whenever i go KL wahahahaha....
oh yes, i actually forgot his birthday! only called him when i logged on to my other yahoo account (which i dun always log in nowadays) and saw the birthday reminder... i supposed i m relle over him ahahaha... good or bad... i also dunno... good ba... this way we can relle be good friends.... nothing else...
sigh,,, when will i ever find my prince charming? m i looking too high up? no what... no need too handsome, no need too tall, no need too rich (this of cos the more the merrier ahahah), can let me live comfortably can liao... like i no need to worry abt bills and stuff, hv a roof over my head kind.. i happy liao.. can make me laff.... more talkative than me, but when there is a need to listen to me, he is willing to, not all full of himself kind... loveme, love my dog... is this too much to ask for? no leh i dun think so ba... hahahaha... anyone got someone to intro, pls drop me anote here ah...
back to work... sianzzzzzzzzz
Did i mention that she tried to set us up with her friend ytd? oh ya i think i did mention briefly the other side (what other side... hahaha) well... he is a nice guy la... jenn and me remembered him as very tall... chatty... not as bad looking as bubbles described him to be hahaha.... complexion not very good lor... but he guy mah... ok la.. my complexion good can liao.. ahahaha.... pui pui pui... dun be proud... wait breakout... (touch wood!)
i told bubbles frankly that i feel he is not ready to start a r/ship cos of his coming posting to Taipei... maybe he scared long distant r/ship wun last... maybe lor... but then, it doesnt hurt to make a new friend... next time go taipei got free accommodation! wahahahaha....
actually not every long distant r/ship wun last... like my other one... actually it could hv lasted if things were different in the first place.... i did not mind the distance... and dun think he did (since i was the one travelling to him all the time @X!$) Maybe both of us are too conscious... of the consequences if we continued... Tho i did not mind... but i guess he felt guilty... both to me and the other side (other side again?!) well... things are fine now... i m happy with our status now... friends, buddies... and i can always get a free good meal whenever i go KL wahahahaha....
oh yes, i actually forgot his birthday! only called him when i logged on to my other yahoo account (which i dun always log in nowadays) and saw the birthday reminder... i supposed i m relle over him ahahaha... good or bad... i also dunno... good ba... this way we can relle be good friends.... nothing else...
sigh,,, when will i ever find my prince charming? m i looking too high up? no what... no need too handsome, no need too tall, no need too rich (this of cos the more the merrier ahahah), can let me live comfortably can liao... like i no need to worry abt bills and stuff, hv a roof over my head kind.. i happy liao.. can make me laff.... more talkative than me, but when there is a need to listen to me, he is willing to, not all full of himself kind... loveme, love my dog... is this too much to ask for? no leh i dun think so ba... hahahaha... anyone got someone to intro, pls drop me anote here ah...
back to work... sianzzzzzzzzz
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