Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Love Agreement

Having heard about selfish farts around us, I happened to hear of one yesterday, while chatting with GQ and JS.

They have a mutual friend, let’s call her Jane. She is moving in with her boyfriend of 1 year, staying with his family. He is supposedly damn rich, and can let Jane be Taitai, IF he wanted to.

Unfortunately, the reason for Jane moving in, is to, listen to this, have a baby FOR him, just because he wants one. No marriage, nothing legal. Just move in, have baby, that’s it. AND he is drawing up some agreement/contract before she moves in, so that in future, IF they decide to call the relationship off, HE will have custody of the child.

Tell me, what kind of stupid agreement/contract is this? Ok, so according to GQ, that guy is still not fully divorced yet, and the soon-to-be-ex-wife has the custody of their child, and are now fighting for more rights to his property. Maybe he is afraid that the same thing might happen. But, if he really loves Jane, would he make her do what he is asking her to do now, and draw up this stupid agreement???

From what I hear, the guy’s mum does not really think much of Jane too. Neither does the guy. Neither do their relatives. And being a single mum (not married mah), she will not be entitled to any benefits like maternity leave etc. So, she is considering quitting her highly-paid-got-prospects-job, to stay in can-that-place-be-called-home to look after the child.

And all these only for a ring that he gave her a small budget to buy on her own, giving the excuse that he is dealing with his divorce case now, and can’t spend too much, and he promised her to get a bigger one when all is settled. *roll eyes* Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease lor, isn’t it damn obvious that this is just a stupid excuse?

Jane must be mad. Like what JS said, she must be on happy pills all this while, and her favourite drink is Illusion.

What, on earth, would make a woman do that, signing an agreement/contract that obviously does not benefit you in any way? What if one day, the guy just decides to call it off, and you are left homeless, jobless, childless? Can you take it?

Raise your hands, those of you girls who will sign this incredibly unfair love agreement/contract.

Flower Power
9 Stalks of Roses – Together As Long As We Live

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love is blind....