Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Still Around...
Anyway, I will be migrating to Wordpress soon. In fact, I have imported my blog here, there. So if you are still interested to keep up with what’s going on with my life, please go here http://gardenofrose.wordpress.com/
The site is still very raw, because I am still playing around with it. So please bear with it for a while, or a long while if I don’t manage to figure it out… ;p
So I have been busy moving office. Because I had been feeling down (I guess I have learnt to keep my feelings to myself, because I don’t think anyone noticed ;p), I had been barking at people a lot. If I had been barking at you for no reason, or for little reasons, I apologise. SORRY!
I had been packing and packing, and taping and taping, and labeling and labeling for the past week. Good that I had all the packing to keep myself occupied, and not think of anything else. Thanks to Bubbles, whom I did bark at (sorry, ok?), I was able to go home early on Friday night. I also heeded her advice to dump some things. True, boss would never know that they even existed muahahaha!
Someone in the office bought the famous queue-like-mad donuts, and offered me one. I shared it with Bubbles. Since then, I had been craving for more. But then, I had heard a lot about this queue-like-mad donuts. How long the queue was, how people queued for 7 hours just to get a dozen, how each customer is only limited to 2 dozens.
So on Saturday, I happened to be a Raffles City, I decided to check out the queue-like-mad donuts place. I saw, ei, queue not very long what. So I joined the queue. The couple in front of me looked at me suspiciously. I tried to ignore them. After a while, the guy turned and told me ‘Excuse me Miss, the queue is over there,’. So I turned and what a shock I got!
There was another queue at the back with about 20 – 25 persons in it. They cut off the queue so it would not obstruct the traffic. So I walked over, thinking to join that queue.
But, wait, no. There is yet another queue behind that second queue, with another about 20 – 25 persons in it. And from what I see, these people are armed with water bottles and tidbits, they came prepared to queue for the whole day.
Please lor, do I look that desperate/crazy to join the queue(s)???
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
爱情 VS 友情
Are you an 爱情 person, or a 友情 person?
Monday, April 09, 2007
KL Trip
I had fun eating (yes I started binging again), playing with my niece and nephews, catching up with Mr. A, and going for relaxing massage and shopping with Eldest Sis.
The journey there was horrible lah. The seats were ok, but a supposedly 5 hour journey became 6, because the drivers dilly-dallied during the stopover, and had numerous stops for petrol, drop offs. I didn’t know they had so many stops! Sis said next time I could take Aeroline, which stops at 1-Utama now, which is nearer to her place, and I can just hop on the bus after shopping next time! Yeah!

Bad jam from my house to the coach station

Kim writing her night-time story - The Prince and The Princess

The playground
Where the rabbit used to live in.
Mr. A, my sis remembers what you said about sponsoring the 2 rabbits, so... ;p

Computers for the older kids.

One of the classroomsEldest Sis asked me to go upstairs and surprise the kids there, and see what their reactions are. Surprised, scared, or? This is when I caught them unaware.

And when they saw me, they immediately posed for me!
Especially this little one. He is really a poser. My sis didnt even need to see the photos to know its him.

See what I mean?

A shy girl who decided to come up to me after a long consideration

Sweet young girl...

The new generation paper dolls
Now they are dressed
I saw how this 'poodle' imposter was transformed to...
This poodle that looks more like one! Kekeke...
Mr. A, I didnt show your face hor...

Saw this cute little Shih Tsu puppy. Damn attitude leh! Abit like my Elfie... Hehehe This friendly Schnauzer was boarding there. Kept wanting to play leh.. I love its eyelashes!
This Pekingese puppy slept on my lap! So cuuuuuuuuuute!
So yeah, that was my KL trip. N, it’s back to reality in Singapore…
Sigh, when is the next holiday?
Flower Power
10 Stalks of Roses – You Are Perfect
Friday, April 06, 2007
Me From KL
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Love Agreement
They have a mutual friend, let’s call her Jane. She is moving in with her boyfriend of 1 year, staying with his family. He is supposedly damn rich, and can let Jane be Taitai, IF he wanted to.
Unfortunately, the reason for Jane moving in, is to, listen to this, have a baby FOR him, just because he wants one. No marriage, nothing legal. Just move in, have baby, that’s it. AND he is drawing up some agreement/contract before she moves in, so that in future, IF they decide to call the relationship off, HE will have custody of the child.
Tell me, what kind of stupid agreement/contract is this? Ok, so according to GQ, that guy is still not fully divorced yet, and the soon-to-be-ex-wife has the custody of their child, and are now fighting for more rights to his property. Maybe he is afraid that the same thing might happen. But, if he really loves Jane, would he make her do what he is asking her to do now, and draw up this stupid agreement???
From what I hear, the guy’s mum does not really think much of Jane too. Neither does the guy. Neither do their relatives. And being a single mum (not married mah), she will not be entitled to any benefits like maternity leave etc. So, she is considering quitting her highly-paid-got-prospects-job, to stay in can-that-place-be-called-home to look after the child.
And all these only for a ring that he gave her a small budget to buy on her own, giving the excuse that he is dealing with his divorce case now, and can’t spend too much, and he promised her to get a bigger one when all is settled. *roll eyes* Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease lor, isn’t it damn obvious that this is just a stupid excuse?
Jane must be mad. Like what JS said, she must be on happy pills all this while, and her favourite drink is Illusion.
What, on earth, would make a woman do that, signing an agreement/contract that obviously does not benefit you in any way? What if one day, the guy just decides to call it off, and you are left homeless, jobless, childless? Can you take it?
Raise your hands, those of you girls who will sign this incredibly unfair love agreement/contract.
Flower Power
9 Stalks of Roses – Together As Long As We Live
Next Trip!
JS ordered Katsu Curry Don at first, but after one bite, her face scrawled up and gave that yucks look. I tasted my paperpot soup, and immediately knew what the problem was. Too salteeeeeeeeeeeeeee! JS couldn’t take it, and asked to order another dish, Ramen. I stuck to my soup, because I secretly knew that the result would be the same. Indeed, when her ramen came, she took a bite, and her face became like Coliq-M’s expressionless face, rolled her eyes, and continued eating. She looked as if she was being tortured ahahaha!
So, Waraku no more!
Then we headed to Alleybar for drinks. The party animal GQ started yawning at 10pm! Can you believe it? And, she quit smoking! Wow! *Applaud* Good for you GQ! Love really does wonders. *Giggles*
So, JS, when are you stopping? >_>
We haven’t met for a long long time, so had lots to catch up. Bitching as usual. And suddenly someone mentioned about going on holidays, and we remembered about our Korea trip that dieded in the process of planning. Like with all traveling in big groups, we couldn’t commit a time for such a long holiday, so, we decided to go somewhere nearer first, before making other bigger plans.
Bangkok? Nah, JS and I did not really like the place. I thought it smelt really bad… Phuket? I was there just last year, and the other 2 did not seem keen. Bali? All of us have never been there, and were suddenly excited over it. BUT, is it safe? Will there be a third bombing? *Shivers* KL? I frequent there, but I don’t mind. JS has not been there before, and GQ is ok. So that’s one option. Krabi? Hmmm… Yes! That’s the place to go! Massage everyday, laze around under the beach umbrella, reading a book, people watching, drink ourselves silly every night. Sounds good eh?
And the next holiday is… Labour Day! Oooops! Boss is coming back. How? *Cross my fingers that she come back after* We intend to take the Monday off. So even if we fly on Saturday, we can spend 4D3N there. Should be enough ya?
And so, I am assigned the important role of researching for the cheapest but best package for our trip.
So, if you will excuse me now, I need to get on with my task, and report to my 2 darlings.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Most Stupid Me
I am the kind of women that fall head over heels, and commits herself into a relationship when she manages to get herself into one. Stupid, yes, I know. But that is how I am. No matter how many times I told myself never to do it again the next time, the thought simply vanished into the unknown space once that next time came.
Of course, I learn as I loved, and lost, and recovered each time my poor heart was broken. And each time, I protected myself more, put up the wall around myself higher than before. But, I am someone easily moved, and once that guard is let down, hell breaks loose. I just hope that my next one would be THE one…
Now I come to think of it, I was quite a stalker when I was younger. Hhahahaha. Sounds scary, don’t I? But, yes, now I remember, I was a stalker (Please note the past tense hor!).
There was this guy from my Polytechnic, same course but another class. He hung out with the guys in my class, so we knew each other. I sort of liked him because… he had small eyes. Ok, yes I like guys with small, single eyelid eyes, even now. Somehow, I will pay a little more attention to them, whether I actually like them or not. I find them attractive kekeke. Of course not all small eyes guys lah. Must have some kind of standard there one ok!
So, I liked this guy. Everyday, after our lessons end for the day, instead of going home, I would take a bus, in the opposite direction of where I should be heading. Because this guy took the same bus! Ahahaha! Silly right? The bus is usually damn crowded, and in order not to make him suspicious, I would let him board the bus first, then I would be one of the last few to board. And I always hoped that I could get a seat later on right beside him so I could talk to him. But alas, no! So many times I took the bus with him, I never had the chance to talk. And he stayed far far away from where I stay lor! Bah! Up to the point that I even knew where he alighted, what bus he changed, which block he stayed in, and I could do it so secretly that he wouldn’t even know that I was behind him! Good eh? I think I can become a PI… kekeke…
Anyway, he took a liking to another friend of mine eventually (and I was the one who introduced them!), and they lived happily ever after. He was her first love leh! How nice to be able to marry your first love. That would never happen to me. They are married with I think at least 2 kids now (The last I knew was one lah). Funny, I did not feel sour or anything about that, because maybe I knew that we would never be together. We were… different. So that was my first crush.
My first real love was, well, someone from where I did my degree. He was quite a prominent figure in the school then. Being tall (I like tall), not that bad looking (ok, I know some of you may beg to differ on this point), and some other qualities that only people like me will appreciate.
Many other girls were infatuated with him back then. Why, don’t ask me, because I already said mah, only people like me will know how to ‘appreciate’ him. So yeah, he was popular.
Back then, I still was the old plain Jane (Not to say I am not one now, but I think I look better now than then). Not many people would notice me. If I were to stay in one corner and keep quiet, I think no one would even know I am there!
Somehow, he noticed me. Maybe he was making use of me, because the first time he called me was to borrow some research materials. And it just started from there.
Maybe it really takes time for one to understand another person. Or maybe things simply changed. Lady Luck stopped smiling on him. Everything just went downhill for him. And I left. I know many will say that I should stand by him blah blah. I did. And I think that what I did for him was more than what I could give. Much much more. And I think I had suffered enough, physically, emotionally and financially, to give me reasons enough to leave.
It took me a long time to forget about the relationship, to totally cut off all contact with him. So long it surprised even me. And I think I was really a stupid girl then.
How many of you will actually pay the handphone bill for your ex, up till 2 years after the breakup???
And how many of your ex will actually call and ask you how come you stopped paying, when you finally decided to stop???
Tell me, who can be more stupid than me.
Flower Power
7 Stalks of Roses - I Am Infatuated By You
Monday, April 02, 2007
Give Me All Your Sorrows
The strange thing is, she has never told us (me and another close friend), that they have ended the relationship. It was only after a few drinks and she was supposedly drunk that she told the other friend that they have broken up. And that was almost 6 months ago, so the breakup was probably longer than that? After that, she did not mention a single word about it anymore, to the other friend or myself.
During the last gathering, which was after we both knew about the breakup, she was still referring to him as her boyfriend. Which left the 2 of us confused and puzzled.
I would understand if she had said she does not want to talk about it anymore, but she did not even tell us anything. Over MSN, I asked her if she was still staying at the place she rented with her boyfriend, meaning to ask if they have moved or anything, because I knew they rented it on a yearly basis. My purpose for asking was because we are arranging a meetup, and I am looking for a convenient for both of us. But she just logged off without replying, or saying bye.
We had arranged to meet up for dinner one of the days, but now, she does not even reply emails or smses, so I am not even sure if we are going ahead with the meeting.
Is there a need to be so evasive about the topic? Is it such a shame to tell people that you have broken up with your boyfriend, and tell them to stop asking about him?
I don’t know, because usually if people asked me about these, I would just tell, and if I did not feel like talking about it anymore, I would tell them how I feel directly (I do that, right???). Maybe I am lucky that my friends are understanding enough not to probe any further (Though I do know one that will keep probing and probing, even if I have expressed unwillingness to talk, or even displeasure at her persistence. No prize for guessing who.).
I told Bubbles about my concerns. She said maybe that friend did not want to talk about it. Yes, I know. But then, if she does not tell us, and if we keep on pretending that we do not know, is she gonna keep on avoiding the topic? I mean, if we are really that close, the question will definitely pop out one day, right? Or any question about her boyfriend / the relationship etc. Such topics will definitely not be left out in girls’ talk.
This reminds me of another person that Ping mentioned to me. Ping’s friend, who suffered a miscarriage some time last year, was still upset about it. And she does not allow anyone to mention anything about babies in front of her. If they do, it is selfish / insensitive of them.
Well, her miscarriage has already been some time ago. Yes, everyone knows that she is upset about it, and they are sorry that it had to happen. But then, if another friend has just given birth, should we not all rejoice for her as well? If a friend invites us to her baby shower, it’s to share her joy, not to show off to you that she has a baby, while you don’t.
Does it mean that if you mourn 10 years for your unborn child, the whole world has to mourn with you?
I know I sound harsh and unsympathetic. But then, this is reality. People will tend to flock to the place which gives them joy, instead of the place that will brings them sorrow.
Keep on at it, and I guarantee you, within 3 years, you will lose all your friends.
For all my friends I care about, I am most willing to share both joy and sorrow. In fact, I hope to absorb all your sorrows, so you can be happy again.
Me? I realized that the more bumps I meet on the roads, the more bo-chap I get. Nowadays, I forget everything easily, so forgetting sorrows are not a problem for me too. Or maybe, I just bury them deep down in my heart. When I feel like remembering them, I will dig them out and have a good reunion with them.
It’s not such a bad thing being happy-go-lucky, is it?
For my that friend who broke up with her boyfriend, I sincerely hope that she picks herself up soon, and move on with her life.
Flower Power
3 Stalks of Roses – I Love You
Busy Morning
You see, I am covering for my CEO’s secretary, who has gone on a holiday, today. I am not exactly stressed. But, CEO wor. Must be on my toes right? Afterall, I have not worked with him before, don’t know his style, so have to be careful lor, right? And also, since this is the first time I am covering for his secretary, I have to show him I is capable one, right? Who knows, when his secretary retires, I may be the next one… Muahahahahahaha!
Anyway, the earlier part of the morning has passed without any major meetings. *peace*
Eldest Sis emailed me something about slimming down 10kg this month. She said it came just in time for me kekeke. Because my MSN message is currently ‘Can I Slim Down 10kg?’.
I have been good. I ate only apples on Saturday, apples for breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Come dinner time, I buay tahan liao. How can anyone stand eating just apples???? I ate for 1.5 days, I cannot take it already. I can’t taste anything else except apples. I literally begged my mum to cook some porridge for me in the evening. So, I had pork and dried scallops porridge for dinner. Heavenly!
Today, I shall be good, and eat light and healthy. If I carry on this way, I should be able to lose weight, right?
*Psst, your answer better be ‘yes’!
Ah… busy now... continue later…